So we know that in the main universe there were 5 Kaioshins and that Boo killed 4...
... but in Super every universe seems to have one Kaioshin whose life is tied to the Hakaishin. Did they forget the universe 7 had many Kaioshin's? Or was that maybe something exclusive to Universe 7?
Well, in the Super series we clearly saw Zamasu working as a Kaioshin's apprentice, but didn't Toriyama state before that the Kaioshin's originate from a certain tree or something like this, implying the title is given since birth?
We know that there's hell in DB, as a random dude from the otherworld mentioned it was located below the snake road... but Piccolo mentioned that Vegeta, due to his evil doings, would have his body eliminated and his soul would serve as basis for another being... so would Vegeta not be in hell...
Would you have preferred if the Kai's version of re-booting DB were a new anime from sctratch, rather than just cutting the filler scenes of the original work?
Now that we are at it, how do you feel about Toei's work in general with DB? Although we have a fuckton of inconsistent fillers, I...
If you had to do a top 5 on the most haxxed DFs, what would it be? Me personally:
Pika Pika no Mi (Kizaru's);
Gura Gura no Mi (Whitebeard's)
Ope Ope no Mi (Law's)
Goro Goro no Mi (Enel's)
Magu Magu no Mi (Akainu's)
What do you imagine Mr. Popo is? It was said by Goku that he resides the temple before even the Kami-sama prior to the Namekian Kami, so he's one of the oldest characters we have knowledge of. So what do you imagine him to be? Is there an insight in some guidebook or an interview from Toriyama...
Is it just me or basically all the fillers from part 1, maybe apart from the Mutaito one, do fit up pretty well and actually enrich the series as a whole?
It made the 22nd Budokai more significant and tense, by severing more the ties between Goku and Tenshinhan, made the whole acquiring the...
I'll post here not to spoil it for who hasn't read it. I'm already in the final moments of the series.
Why did Kye Wol Hyang die when she stabbeb herself again? Didn't Aji Take state she couldn't die anymore since she had already died? I got confused in this part.
These arcs aren't that well favored by criticism and are among the less popular ones prior to the time-skip, but how do you view them?
I like the fair amount of adventurous feel each one carried out and it featured good and impactful moments, the Skypiea one featuring Wiper's resolve and...
I think one thing that annoys me is the fact that the kids are getting shafted aside while the earthlings apparenty get more of a role than them, despite their massive potential.
When Kuririn and Goku were on their first day training and delivering milk, Roshi stated they "may" enter the tournament if they train hard enough without shrinking. I think later wording also supports the idea that "entering the tournament" basically means qualifying for the final rounds, to...
Wee know that Piccolo Junior was initially seen as an infant upon his first appearence but then he changed significantly in those 3 years... but then his development was decreasing significantly over time, to the point he didn't change in the 10 years after the Boo arc. Would he even age with...