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  1. ahill1

    Do you think Piccolo will play any role?

    So, do you think there's still time and space for Piccolo to become relevant again and play a role in this battle against Moro?
  2. ahill1

    Will Beerus be eventually left in the dust?

    Do you think that, as the series goes on, Beerus will be easily surpassed by Goku and Vegeta? Or likely not, he'll consistently remain as a power cap for them? It's strange that this isn't a common occurrence in DB, for someone other than the main cast to remain so long on top.
  3. ahill1

    SSJ2 and SSJg3

    Do you believe that the SSJ2 is the right way to tap into the power provided by the grade 3 transformation?
  4. ahill1

    If you could re-write the later half of Zamasu's arc

    So most ppl take issue with the later portion of Zamasu's arc, which happened when Goku and Vegeta got to Trunks' future again... so if you could re-write it, how would it be?
  5. ahill1

    Trunkten -- potara

    If post RoSaT Goten and Trunks used the Potaras, how strong do you believe the fused warrior would be?
  6. ahill1

    Has Captain Ginyu used the body swap before?

    As the title says. Do you believe the body we see him in isn't his original one and that he has therefore used the technique beforehand?
  7. ahill1

    What other way could Goku defeat Botamo?

    So I was rereading some of the universe 6 arc and Goku's fight with Botamo got me thinking... say Goku hadn't the option to win against Botamo by a ring out, which other way do you think he would come up with to defeat him?
  8. ahill1

    If Piccolo and Kami split again

    Do you believe Piccolo's power would be diminished? It's stated by Saichoro that once the Katatz's son got splitted up he lost half of his original power, which some take to imply Piccolo and Kami shared each 50% of the original Kami's power... so if Piccolo split between himself and Kami again...
  9. ahill1

    If Vegeta and Trunks mastered the SSJ...

    If Vegeta and Trunks had the idea to master the SSJ on their first usage of the room, do you imagine they would have come out way stronger?
  10. ahill1

    Future Trunks and Piccolo vs Cell Junior

    Future Trunks and Piccolo from the Cell Game gang up on a Cell Junior... can they take it?
  11. ahill1

    Were Roshi and co. killed in future Trunks' timeline?

    Manga-wise, do you think Roshi and co. (Yajirobe, Karin) were killed in Trunks' timeline?
  12. ahill1

    Mutaito vs Yajirobe

    Yajirobe in his first show-up. Who wins?
  13. ahill1

    Yamcha's characterization

    Do you also feel Yamcha was mischaracterizated post part 1 considering to what had been shown to us in the part 1 of DB? If so, why do you think AT chose to do so? Just inconsistency when writing or a way to take him out of Bulma's life?
  14. ahill1

    base Vegeta and Trunks (CGs) vs SSJ Vegeta and Trunks (androids arc)

    Do you think father and son in their base states by the CGs have surpassed their SSJ selves from the Android's arc?
  15. ahill1

    Baby arc

    Would you say the Baby arc can solo super as far as quality goes? Besides, how do you view this arc in general?
  16. ahill1


    So what do you think the characters mean when they say they have run into walls? Vegeta stated he has run into a wall -- his own limits -- before achieving the SSJ and Goku also states him and Gohan have run into a wall post their RoSaT trip. Do they mean basically temporary walls that have to...
  17. ahill1

    Straw Hats switching islands

    Say that Zoro was sent to the women's island and Luffy was sent to the island Mihawk was residing... how do you think that'd change things?
  18. ahill1

    Vegeta SSJ vs Dabura

    Vegeta can't turn into a SSJ2... do you think he gets it?
  19. ahill1

    Turning into a SSJ

    Do you think that a Saiyajin must reach a certain level in base to be able to achieve SSJ?
  20. ahill1

    Which form of Cell do you like the most?

    Which one is it?

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