So we know that in One Piece for example, Oda does SBSs at the end of each volume, with fans asking him questions concerning the story.
I remember seeing the same with some DB's physical volumes I own, but did it continue? I don't remember there being Q&A in late volumes.
When Goku and Gohan exited the RoSaT, Vegeta scolded Trunks for saying they'd perform another transformation. Rather, he said:
Vegeta: “They’ve judged that state as the best! If they get used to that as a matter of habit, then even if they raise their battle power, the strain on their body is...
So, in this upcoming war, these are the strongest besides Luffy (maybe should include Inuarahi and Nekomamushi as well)... who do you think they are going to be faced with? It seems Luffy will get Kaido, no doubt... maybe one will add Luffy in his fight?
Also, Zoro's new sword is said to be...
How do you think BoG stack up to the other movies in terms of quality?
For me, it has less of a DB-feeling, but is objectively better due to differentiating from the formula.
Why do you imagine they didn't learn it? Maybe they were just not capable of such, but considering how much Piccolo did power up from just 6 days, I imagine he should be up to the task.
When he hatched from the egg and uttered the "I hate peace" and-something-else words, how strong do you have him? Could he maybe already pack more power than the original Piccolo that just died? Discuss.
Let's say that a similar situation to pre-TS unfolded in the Archipelago Sabaody and that the Post Timeskip Straw Hats were cornered by Kizaru, the Pacifistas and Sentomaru... do you think they could make their escape?