In chapter 434.
Was it because he knew Ace was Roger's son? Or that he knew Ace's relationship with Luffy? Or just that he liked Ace? Or because of something else? He mentions Ace's fame and trust complicating the issue. What does that mean?
final episode, Luffy wakes up and goes to school in the 21st century. Also he's a really smart, studious and risk-averse 14yo and gets bulled by 9yo Foxy and Usopp (ok now I'm sad)
It seems to only be the podgy ones. Or only one family? Sabo, Sabo's parents, Doffy, Rosinante, Garland and Saturn didn't. Are they descendents of ancient astronauts? Are they ancient aliens who came to Earth? They're just the dorks who kept the spacesuit on?
The CD's name is Charlos. There's...
wb king kai? And the woman kai? Why do the kais all have bad vision? Alright, I checked and they're sunglasses.
But what about this fkin weirdo? Tf is he thinking about here?
name 5 db/z characters with non-sunglasses glasses. Dr Briefs, Gohan...then who? How does Tien not need a...
What if Oda doesn't have Luffy become pirate king? Maybe luffy does all tje work amd then dies, leaving Buggy to be pirate king. Buggy is the only viable option I can think of. Though, it depends what it actually means to be pirate king.
Was it near West City or South City? How far is Ginger Town from West City and South City?
Where is Japan? Dagon (member here) said Roshi said "[something] in all of Japan". Roshi lives on a little island. Is that Japan? Lol. Goku, Oolong and Chi Chi all seem to be related to China, maybe...
Seems like manga is the answer
Is that the same for books in general?
Would it be a good idea to colonise venus and plant trees for books? Would that work? Those trees would be strong, with venus' atmosphere (how long would that last) and then adapting to the strong gravity from the sun. Let's...
Is Mystic truly a full potential unlock, or are there more powerful ones? It's more powerful than SSJ2 or SSJ3, but is it more powerful than every other non-God/Destruction form? If Buu Saga Gohan learnt to go Super Saiyan Rage (like Trunks vs Goku Black), would he still be weaker than Mystic...
Question 1: How does Guru's unlock work? Does it just make up for the shortfall from lack of optimal training?
Problem with that: Doesn't make sense for this to be the primary power unlock mechanism, as Krillin was extremely well-trained already, so there wasn't much poor training to explain...
Final few pages before the pre-Z timeskip. Kami says (I'm paraphrasing) that he should've died a long time ago as he's brought hardship to the world. Roshi responds that Kami's dragon balls brought together those at the tournament. It shows the characters who are present in flashback panels -...
If he gets gomu gomu no bazookaed or kicked in the nuts by Nami it hurts. But what about if he got gomu gomu no muchi/whipped by Luffy (where Luffy throws a roundhouse kick). I guess that would hurt him. But what if he got karate chopped? Would that hurt or would it slice him? How blunt does the...
Even before haki, maybe Zoro could just beat Buggy up without his swords. But how about now? Is haki alone enough to kill Buggy? Or could Buggy react fast enough to it and just split in time?
Or does he not even need to do that? Usually when haki hurts a logia/paramecia, it's because it's able...
Honestly wtf? Just because you can't go in the sea, doesn't mean you can't wash the makeup off your face dude.
Is his nose like that naturally? Where did he come from?