Saw this scan somewhere. Dragon, Ace, Luffy and Aokiji turned against Garp, but what about Koby? Rather than becoming a pirate, maybe Garp will be the bone-headed one and refuse to bring down the ruling marines/WG. Koby will turn on Garp and beat him up, then Garp will flashback to this scene...
There are 26 - some based on the movies, some on anime arcs and others being original stories about various characters including the Strawhats, Ace, Law, Tashigi, Perona, Reiju and others.
They're not written by Oda, but Oda did the illustrations (some don't have illustrations and just use anime...
The lower marines know pirates and marines both aren't perfect, but that the marines by and large make the world safer.
But what about Garp, Kizaru, Aokiji, Akainu, Sengoku and whoever else has seen Mary Geoise, God Valley and is privy to the plans of the Five Elders and other CDs. How come so...
Shanks postponed meeting Luffy because of Bartolomeo burning Shanks' flag and taking over his territory.
He caught Bartomoleo and asked him to give Luffy a poison, or be killed.
Barto drank it himself, didn't die and then when he was escaping, Shanks' crewmate (Yassop) exploded Barto's ship...
They had a very hard time with the non-Arabasta Baroque Works agents. Do you think those Baroque Works agents could do the same giants on Elbaf, because most giants are pretty weak? Or do you think Dorry and Brogy were some of the weakest giants? They met the SHs in Paradise, even though their...
Zoro cut halfway into his leg (does that mean to the bone?), absorbed Luffy's pain/fatigue/damage on top of his own after fighting Oars/Kuma and also fought Hachi with a wound that'd kill a normal pirate, considering Arlong was freaked out by Zoro being alive.
Franky got hit by a train and...
I didn't expect Robin at all. Very out of the blue. The only hint I know of is her laughing when Luffy is struggling to keep the water in his body during the second Crocodile fight.
I think I'd already seen that Franky was in the SHs so expected it to happen eventually, but otherwise it...
If Arabasta Zoro or Sanji figured out how to hit him, do you think they could've beat him? What if they teamed up (blasphemy)?
What about Johnny and Yosaku? Ninjin, pepper head and onion head?
Do you think some marines, like Garp, Coby, Helmeppo, blind guy, Smoker and Tashigi, could end up head-on fighting other marines?
And do you think most marines will turn sympathetic to Luffy, or just a handful? Like what do you envision for Kizaru? Will he be a cool old man in the post-WG...
They were there for a whole two years. The SHs were only together for like 1 year. Of course, the SH time is different since they were together almost 24/7 and shared hardships, danger and dreams and helped each other's emotional wounds. Still, in two years did any of them get close with their...
Rayleigh, Mihawk, Dragon and Ivankov can arrange for Luffy, Zoro, Robin and Sanji. Brook was on a world tour anyway.
But Usopp was basically on an uninhabited island.
Chopper wasn't even in the Grand Line. Did he fly in?
Wb Franky?
And damn, just remembered it was so cool when they all arrived.
Is Ash/Satoshi always the main?
(Satoshi seems like such an old man name, for some reason)
If yeh, who's the most interesting major character? Like Misty, Brock, James, Jessie, Serena, May
And sides, like Oak, Elm, potato wedges etc
Goku's heart virus was natural (you've gotta read virus the Japanese way)
Earthlings indirectly blown up on Earth was unnatural
Vegeta's suicide was unnatural
What about if Goku hadn't managed to use Freeza's spaceship and died on Namek?
What about if you ran from Imperfect Cell and fell from...
When Tien was in the desert about to be made into dessert, where was Chazou? Was he already dead? How tf was Tien not dead after Super Buu killed everyone not on the Kami's lookout? Also was Korin alive still?
SSJ3=Super Saiyan 3, it's from a show called Dragon Ball Z. Look it up if you don't know.
already not convinced he has eyebrows
Definitely looks like ASCE here: