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  1. Warmmedown

    Why do English dub shounen protagonists all have raspy voices?

    Is this true? Does it extend to main young male MCs outside of battle shounen and all shounen? Like the main guy in sailor moon or princess jellyfish (that even have a dub?) If it is super common, why is that? Japanese voices don't seem to do it. Do real teenagers talk so raspy? I don't think...
  2. Warmmedown

    Is there any island that can avoid defeat bt three admirals/fleet admirals

    Any three from Aokiju, Akainu, Green Bull, Fujitora and Kizaru.
  3. Warmmedown

    Anime/manga characters with IRL counterparts

    Real name: Takasugi Shinsaku About: Lived from 1839-1867. Leader of Kiheitai and a key figure in the overthrow of the Tokugawa Shogunate/Bakufu and Meiji Restoration, which ended feudalism and the samurai class and put power into the hands of the emperor, rather than the shogun (miltary ruler)...
  4. Warmmedown

    Do any other planets have a guardian, like Earth?

    Dende, Kami and before that a non-Namekian guardian. Is this unique to Earth?
  5. Warmmedown

    Fortuneteller Baba - what is she? Roshi/Baba's parents?

    I know she's Roshi's older sister. But wtf is she? Is she a staff member of the Kai realm? Are there other fortunetellers, like there are many kais and angels? Where does she live usually? Did she eat the same herb as Roshi? Who are Roshi and Baba's parents? Roshi is only over 300 years old...
  6. Warmmedown

    Roshi ate a herb?

    He's able to live so long because of some herb? Does he have the herb somewhere? Will he give it to the others?
  7. Warmmedown

    Krillin's parents, all of their parents

    We've seen them for Chi Chi, Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Bulma and Freeza. What about: Yamcha: Krillin: Ten: Chazou: Yajirobe:
  8. Warmmedown

    Strongest character Guldo could beat?

    With intel he could kill DB Super Goku. He could've killed Trunks while he powered up. Could he kill Xeno? Couldn't he win the ToP?
  9. Warmmedown

    Do you think Burta/Burter was as fast as Ginyu?

    If Cell had Burta's cells would the Z fighters be utterly defeated? Piccolo wouldn't be able to hold up Imperfect Cell, Vegeta would arrive too late, 16 might hold off Cell, but either way Cell becomes Perfect again and nobody can catch him. Then he flies backwards around Earth and kills them...
  10. Warmmedown

    PSA: How to view find old DBZF threads from broken urls (url conversion)

    Can't remember if I've posted this here already. A lot of great DBZ threads over there (along with other threads of personal interest for some of us). Currently, if you click on a link on the DBZF Tapatalk forum it will take you to nothing, because the pages aren't up any more. How...
  11. Warmmedown

    Has this happened

  12. Warmmedown

    Did the non-Goku characters update their insignia/character?

    Did Gohan, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien and Chazou update theirs after training under Roshi, Kami and King Kai?
  13. Warmmedown

    Goku (heart virus) and Vegeta (AIDS) vs Piccolo (common cold)

    who wins edit: damn it would be sad if Vegeta had aids. Make it Gero instead.
  14. Warmmedown

    Does Chopper become stupid when hit with Smoker's seastone

    Does he turn into a reindeer when it touches him?
  15. Warmmedown

    What did the rest of the crew eat while Luffy and Sanji were on WCI

    Also does Chopper eat meat Can Luffy eat fish seasoned with sea salt and drink water at the same time
  16. Warmmedown

    Look Back trailer (by Chainsaw Man creator)

    Had the one-shot manga on my list a while. It's a drama about the rivalry and friendship of two young manga artists, with very different personalities - one brash and confident, one shy and meticulous. The reviews suggest regret is one theme of the manga (hence the name "look back"). The trailer...
  17. Warmmedown

    Are there interviews with the Toei animation writers and animators and with Kikuchi?

    Considering they wrote some iconic movie scripts, action sequences and character-building scenes (eg Saiyaman, Gohan's training filler) that have been talked about for years and no doubt heightened the love for Dragon Ball and its characters, it's weird to have never heard from them about their...
  18. Warmmedown

    What's Krillin's best fight?

    Krillin vs Orin Temple monk Krillin vs Shirtless Black Trousers Krillin vs Bacterian Krillin vs Jackie Chun Krillin vs Goku Krillin vs Pirate Robot Krillin vs Antoine Krillin vs Chazou Krillin vs Fangs Krillin vs Saibaman Krillin vs Nappa Krillin vs Vegeta Krillin vs Freeza henchmen Krillin vs...
  19. Warmmedown

    people superior to Broly, confirmed

    1. Akebono 2. Lance Armstrong 3. Ryan Crouser, shot put athlete 4. Jake Paul (lmao)
  20. Warmmedown

    Opening a michelin star restaurant, what food represents each character?

    Piccolo - snails and big green beans in a hollondaise sauce

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.