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  1. Warmmedown


    Piccolo hates high-pitched whistling Vegeta and saiyans have vegetable names but eat mostly meat. Plus they cane from the sky, which is the opposite of coming from the ground. Bulma didn't wear underwear Sometimes the names match the personality or environment eg Suno in the snow, sometimes...
  2. Warmmedown

    If DB characters were pokemon what types would they be

    Goku Bulma Krillin Oolong Puar Yamcha Chi Chi Ox King Roshi Turtle Pilaf Mai Shu Tournament announcer Giran Ranfan Namu King Fury Bora Korin Suno Android 8 General Blue Tao Grandpa Gohan Spike Bandage guy Fortuneteller Baba Master Shen Tenshinhan Chazou Chappa Pamput Giran Piccolo Mutaito Mr...
  3. Warmmedown

    Do animals exist in the Pokemon world? Do people eat Pokemon?

    Do people eat Flaffy with hummus. Flaffafel. NO.
  4. Warmmedown

    How strong do you think Coby is? How strong do you think he'll be when we next see him fight?

    Straight after the timeskip. Say he was allied with the SHs at Sabaody, where does he fit in as a fighter? Does he beat a pacifista? I'd guess he was a stronger fighter than anyone at Enies Lobby (not really seen him fight), but idk where he'd fit post-skip. What about now, post-Wano? I think...
  5. Warmmedown

    Latest situation where A beats B, B beats C, but C beats A. - OR most powerful situation where weaker char beats someone a stronger character can't

    Basically combat math not working. Eg Luffy beats Crocodile, Mr 1 beats Luffy, Crocodile beats Mr 1.
  6. Warmmedown

    Where does Sabo compare to Luffy's crewmates, combat-wise?

    Above Zoro?
  7. Warmmedown

    Does Freeza care that Trunks killed King Cold?

    King Cold was quite chill when Freeza was killed. Freeza seems to respect his father though and calls him papa or something like that.
  8. Warmmedown

    Most physiologically or psychologically immersive anime?

    Maybe an anime that made you feel like you were in the scene. For me it was the racing scenes in Initial D First Stage and Second Stage. Got a substantial portion of the rush you'd actually get being in a speeding car. PS why is someone outside shouting cheerio cheerio cheerio cheeeeriiiio...
  9. Warmmedown

    What do you think Will of D is now? How are Luffy and Blackbeard linked?

    Is D for devil? I thought will of D people might be descended from people who fought the world government a long time ago. Maybe the celestial dragons are from space and they took over Earth?
  10. Warmmedown

    How did Fuji-chan become an admiral? And secondly, how strong is the strongest vice admiral (sans Garp)?

    How did he become an admiral? He wasn't even a marine until during the timeskip. So he joined and immediately became an admiral, but who promoted him? His morality doesn't seem very aligned with Fleet Admiral Akainu, so was he promoted to Admiral by Sengoku? If he was promoted despite having no...
  11. Warmmedown

    How are senzu beans grown?

    Did Korin or Toriyama ever say? He grows them in that little tower? Do they need some special water, ki, soil or something? Does Korin have a farm inside a jar, like the RoSaT?
  12. Warmmedown

    Which DB invention would imrprove the world the most?

    senzu time machine capsules spaceship healing chamber saiyan armour small flying vehicles Tao's grenade gero's gate other
  13. Warmmedown

    Which Yonkou and Supernova would be most easily defeated by their own crew, if they fought?

    Whitebeard Shanks Blackbeard Big Mom Kaidou Luffy Kidd Law - wannabe model Bonny - age changer Apoo - music long arms Bege - gangster X-drake - ross geller Hawkins - dolls, shops at hot topic
  14. Warmmedown

    Dragon Ball/Toriyama mural in Peru

    Lima, Peru
  15. Warmmedown

    Is Farmer the only non-villain who got left unrevived?

    I don't think they even knew Raditz had successfully killed anyone on Earth (four person team of farmer, Goku, Piccolo and Gohan is still undefeated - don't sleep on the farmer!). Oh snap, there was no wish to revive those killed by Nappa? Tf. Oh yeh Nappa saw them open their parachute, never mind.
  16. Warmmedown

    Pokemon lookalikes

    Luffy: Foxy Zoro
  17. Warmmedown

    Does saiyan armour give any defensive boost? How does it work? Why did 530,000 Freeza wear saiyan armour?

    The way I think it works is you power it up with your ki, same as how your skin defensively powers up as you get stronger. The average Saiyan I guess had a PL from 1000 to 3000 and probably the same for most Freeza soldiers. So maybe it's a big enough defensive boost to matter to a 3000PL. So...
  18. Warmmedown

    What do you think of One Piece's non-backstory character development?

    One Piece is one of the best shounen for character development during backstories or death scenes. But a common criticism of fiction is poor character consistency when characters go against their established development or after character change revert back to their old ways without explanation...
  19. Warmmedown

    Did Gero f*ck up not getting Trunks or Gohan's cells? Or someone else's?

    Do you think Cell could have been even stronger with half-saiyan genes? Or would it not matter, because he wouldn't be a half-saiyan himself? Or would he become weaker, by taking him further away from being half-saiyan (assuming he got equal amounts of genes from Frieza, Cold, Vegeta, Goku and...

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