Do they know the admirals terrify him and one on their own could probably solo his crew and that his swordsman is mentally ill and handicaps himself by riding a unicycle? If so, why haven't they sent Fujitora and a couple of strong vice admirals to capture him? Fuck him up with a don (shoutout...
Is it just public opinion? Pirate opinion? Marine opinion? How did Luffy become known as a yonkou? Was it the moment he defeated Kaidou? What about Buggy or Blackbeard? Was it in a moment, or was it a gradual process as they took territory?
Shanks, Blackbeard, Luffytaro and who else? Say if the world figured out that Buggy is an idiot who belongs in East Blue (let's assume it's true). Who would become yonkou? Or would it not happen immediately? I'm thinking it may have been Kidd, before Shanks took him out.
Are they stronger? Put it this way: there are four islands - one with the SHs there, the others with the crews of WB, Big Mom and Kaidou. One Piece characters or teams have to go through one island and fight the crews - which one would most crews, marines, Admirals or captains have the best...
On the raw strength/endurance side, are they just comparatively stronger, because humans get weaker in the water?
Is the only boost from the access to additional techniques, like the water bullets, and not from any strength boost? Or do they actually get more muscular strength or more endurance...
Chopper, Franky, Nami, Brook, Robin, Usopp - they're all badass (well, you'd have to sell me on Brook).
But do they have badass moments? If so, what would be the big example for each of them? Luffy has many (eg punching celestial dragon, going against three admirals). Zoro has many (eg vs Kuma...
1. I heard two or more ghibli films (like howl's moving castle) have way less silence in the English BGM than in the Japo one, because they were advised that Americans wouldn't be as ok with silent scenes. Reminds me of Falcouner inserting loud music into a bunch of DBZ scenes for which...
If so, which one? Or do you think someone will attack or kidnap an admiral or Sengoku and that could lead to the war beginning? Or could lead to the Strawhats fighting Mihawk? Like if Smoker and Tashigi are kidnapped while helping the SHs.
He said it could be trouble if Goku teamed up with the others. He even specified to also kill Pikkoro, despite knowing he'd have to go to Namek to get the dragon balls (yeh he didn't know Freeza would be there, but still it's thinking super short term and impulsively unless he has good reason to...
Water: Danny Drinkwater
Grass: Greta Thunberg
Fire: Donald Trump ("you're fired") - he's also dark type
Electricity: Nikola Tesla
Poison: Mithridates
Flying: Elon Musk
Bug: David Attenborough...
I'm guessing Boruto isn't similar to Naruto, since he's not an outcast and his dad his hokage. Which is good, but I was just wondering if there's some side character who's more like Naruto?
Inspired by this thread
I got 8/25. The one about which named character took longest to be introduced I had the correct answer in my mind but put a dumb answer cuz the time was about to run out.
Rock Lee
Chainsaw Man
Sailor Moon
Ken Kaneki from Tokyo Ghoul
L from Death Note
Levi from AoT
Eren from AoT
Killua from HxH
Gon from HxH
Knuckle from HxH
Edward Elric
Alphonse Elric
Mustang Elric
Scar Elric
Riza Hawkeye Elric
Ichigo from...
Like Buu Saga Gohan hasn't been training his SSJ2, whereas I'm guessing Goku has used SSJ2 en route to achieving SSJ3. So would Goku's SSJ2 be somewhat mastered, changing the multiplier?
What about Buu Saga Vegeta? Did he master SSJ as much as Goku and Gohan?
I guess Cabba only achieved SSJ1...
I guess earthquake wouldn't hurt much directly? Maybe it'd slow Luffy down, if he's jumping towards Blackbeard.
I guess Luffy won't be able to rubberise BB, due to BB's darkness fruit cancelling out his powers. And would Luffy get knocked out of G5 whenever if directly hits BB?
Also what...