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  1. ahill1


    It's mentioned in the manga that Goku'd fall in hell were him to fall off the Snake's Road. But bad guhs generally have their bodies eliminated. What do you imagine the hell consists of? Would the souls of those bad guys be transfered to there? Seems strange though as Piccolo mentioned Vegeta's...
  2. ahill1

    28th Tenkaichi Budokai

    We know that this tournament, featuring the character Oob, wasn't completely shown to us as Goku left with Oob, but if you had to guess, how do you think it unfolded? In the anime at least, we get to see a poster informing "cancelled", but we also see pics of a Goten vs Pan fight, with Pan...
  3. ahill1

    Would it be more interesting...

    Do you think it'd be more interesting if Cell didn't inform everyone about his origins and his mission, making it so the Z warriors would have to figure out this puzzle? Plus, Cell feeding everyone on his mission and story seemed kinda contrived... firstly he said there was no reason to let...
  4. ahill1

    Videl vs Kuririn (beginning of DB)

    Videl from the Boo arc vs Kuririn from his first appearence in the series. Who wins?
  5. ahill1

    Can Dabura and Babidi sense chi?

    Well, they seemingly sensed them when they were hiding on the rocks, but then were completely taken aback by their performance... What do you think?
  6. ahill1

    Bruce Lee vs top tier UFC fighters

    Do you think Bruce Lee could defeat top tiers UFC fighters? Would someone from heavy weight be too much for him?
  7. ahill1

    How do #19 and #20 absorptions work?

    Do these androids absorptions abilities work through addition? That's, when Gero or the fatty android grab someone and suck their power, do these droids increase their power through addition?
  8. ahill1

    Who's the most evil character in DB?

    Who's the most evil character in DB in your opinion? Argue.
  9. ahill1

    Is current Fat Boo at the level of the God or Blue's transformations?

    That seems to be the case based on his performance against Moro, but some people argue such was merely due to Moro's magic being insufficient against fat Boo. What do you think?
  10. ahill1

    HxH factually >>> OP

    HxH is just too complex for OP's readers. Put a HxH work in front of them and they'll just use it to clean their noses. OP's fans when reading a HxH dialogue: Error 404 Not Found :donovan :donovan
  11. ahill1

    Is Goku not a righteous Hero?

    Well, I think the title could have been better and I don't know if you people consider Goku as a hero, but according to Toriyama, Goku isn't this righteous hero Toei portaryed him as, and says he fights generally to satisfy himself -- well, he's a Saiyajin and the blood of the warriors ruin...
  12. ahill1

    Goku's attitude

    How do you see Goku's attitude of leaving the Earth's fate to the new warriors? Piccolo said Goku's very noble, but do you think he should have just finished Boo there?
  13. ahill1

    Did Cell increase his power as well?

    When Cell stated to Gohan "what if I go all out, in speed at least" do you have him also increasing his power? I admit that assuming so would be good for placing Gohan a little farther from Goku, although the way his line was structured seems to go against it...
  14. ahill1

    Power Levels

    Mecha Freeza saga Mecha Freeza 160,000,000 Future Trunks SSJ 250,000,000 Son Goku SSJ 300,000,000 Androids arc Android #19 (pre) 400,000,000 -- Post 530,000,000 Android #20 (pre) 475,000,000 -- Post 600,000,000 Piccolo 720,000,000 Future Trunks SSJ 820,000,000 Son Goku SSJ...
  15. ahill1

    GT's character standing to Super's

    Do you take DB Heroes as an indicative of how the GT's characters compare to Super's in strength? It seems it doesn't jive with lots of opinions we had here, like God Goku cleaning GT.
  16. ahill1

    Trunks SSJ2

    Like we saw in the manga, Trunks' ssj2 state can rival Goku's SSJ3. He also stated he wasn't satisfied with ssj2 or something to that effect. Could Trunks maybe draw out the full power of the SSJ2 state?
  17. ahill1

    FighterZ vs Xenoverse

    Which of those, for ps4, would you recommend me buying?
  18. ahill1

    Vegeta recognising Goku's value

    Talking about Vegeta's speech amidst the battle against little Boo. I view that as one of Boo's scenes that were really worth. Vegeta finally recognised that Goku's simply better than him and understood why he could never overtake him despite all of his efforts. How do you view that?
  19. ahill1

    Yakon vs Freeza

    Who wins?

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.