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  1. ahill1

    base kid Trunks vs SSJ Vegeta (androids saga)

    As of SSJ2's challenge. Base kid Trunks from the Boo arc vs the ssj Vegeta who smoked #19 but got smoked by #18. Who takes this? I'll still complete CC's challenge, I am thinking of something worth discussing.
  2. ahill1

    Androids saga power scaling

    So how would you scale the not so relevant but debatable characters like the fake androids as well as Piccolo at the androids saga, prior to Piccolo fusing with Kami again? I personally have this at the moment: #19 -- 168,000,000 --- post absorptions -- 210,000,000 #20 -- 183,000,000 --- post...
  3. ahill1

    The Gauntlet

    So, I will be pitting different levels of Luffy against a DB gauntlet. How far could those Luffys get? What's the strongest character he could kick butts? Luffy (beginning of One Piece, relasing Zoro) Luffy (arlong park) Luffy (fighting crocodile) Luffy (enel's island) Luffy gear 2nd (fight...
  4. ahill1

    VIZ original manga strength checker

    Well, I opted to do a strength checker for the VIZ dialogues from the main manga, using Herms' one as basis and replacing the dialogues by VIZ's ones. Not that there's too much of a point since Herms' is more accurate, but in case someone wants to base their argument around VIZ or wanting their...
  5. ahill1

    The full color Dragon Ball manga

    So we know that all of the sagas, from Pilaf's to Boo's have been already colored by the editors and released in Japan. But iirc VIZ had only translated up to Cell's saga. How is it going now? Has it developed the process?
  6. ahill1

    Ribrianne vs Para Para brothers -- which moment is worse

    that goddawful moment where the Para Para brothers fought the trio vs the distasting jokingly bad moments of Ribrianne fighting 18 and some other warriors... which instance is the worst and likely lowest level scene of Dragon Ball?
  7. ahill1

    Was future Trunks from DBS off in some way?

    So we have discussed about the main characters and their Super iterations and how they resemble and differ from their original selves, but what of future Trunks? Did you like his characterisation? Both manga and anime. As a bonus question, how do you feel about Piccolo? Kuririn?
  8. ahill1

    Strongest character you could beat if...

    Strongest character you could beat if your post count represented your battle power. You can also have the following techniques/transformations: Kaioken Kaioken x3 Kaioken x10 Kaioken x20 SSJ SSJ2 SSJ3 Assume you have the skillz to back up your power. For me personally... Base ...
  9. ahill1

    Swapping Z Goku for Super Goku

    This is how Super Goku would react. Hehe.
  10. ahill1

    Yamcha (23rd Budokai) vs old Piccolo Daimao

    Yamcha from the last tournament shown in part 1, the one who was eliminated by Kami/Shen vs Piccolo Daimao before regaining his youth. Who wins? Give me reasons. If you want, include Kuririn separately as well.
  11. ahill1

    About Trunks' debut and a SSJ's chi

    So... it's a common and well founded theory that the SSJs have a resemblance in their chi and that such is the reason Gohan pointed out that the mysterious guy that debuted (Trunks) is his father. But interestingly enough, Goku also sensed such chi from far away and for this reason didn't make...
  12. ahill1

    Daizenshuu's take on #19 and #20

    So I was reading a discussion in another forum and saw this piece of evidence, in which the Daizenshuu (volume 2) classifies the first androids (19 and 20) as "unprecedented powerful enemies". Thoughts on this? Does this mean those androids are more powerful than every enemy prior to it?
  13. ahill1

    Bounties for the Younkos --

    So, it was recently revealed the bounty that each Yonko carries, alongside WB and Roger's (it will be shown in the next chapter, but accurate spoilers have already picked up on this glaring detail). So that's it. And yeah, I can assure those bounties' authenticity (i wished to post the...
  14. ahill1

    Gap between Piccolo and Gero

    Piccolo and Gero, when they fought... What's the gap you have between them?
  15. ahill1

    Main problem regarding the Cell arc.

    So many agree that the Cell arc is the one in which more plot holes, immersion breaks decisions and asspulls began to appear and damage the work's quality overall. I'd like to speak about the main problem, most damaging one to me: characters writing. We have two main examples within the...
  16. ahill1

    The Earthlings

    How strong do you have the earthlings at their prime in the manga? Which battle power figure would you assign them when they capped out? We know that Kuririn is the strongest earthling as late as the Boo saga... and that back in the Freeza's arc, he was considered as an asset against Freeza...
  17. ahill1

    Oda plans to end One Piece in 5 years

    So I've got this (trustworthy) information that the biggest OP YT channel went to Oda's house and had an interview with him there (interview that is obviously not available on YT). There, Oda revealed some details related to the plot and shed light on how many years he intends OP to go -- 5...
  18. ahill1

    Gohan vs Cell levels

    So, a thread revolving around ranks and numbers. Let's play with the numbers a little, assigning them to each fighter as we see fit. Goku and Cell have a more or less even fight. When Cell decides to show he's too fast even without Shunkan Idou, he crosses around Goku a few times, who's doing...
  19. ahill1

    New One Piece's main problems

    So, I think that most agree that there was a drop in quality in OP post Time-Skip. We could dissect arc by arc and comment on its problems, but I feel the main problem overall is the writing growing stale and predictable. There's a nice formula already used on previous arc that we pick on...

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