...Kaio-shin appeared and all the talk of Boo began.
When-ever I think of the Boo saga I think of that as easily the worst saga but the slice-of-life/comedy in the beginning was really fun, especially compared to the very serious Cell saga. Seeing them in a more laxed environment was kewl.
If you want to you can 'member that drawing cards (right cards at the right time) is considered a skill in the series and so is I assume luck in a way (unless it was ever brought-up how someone only constantly relies on a gambling deck).
Who wins?
Or maybe even in the future time-line (which is kind-of impossible), but if Goku & Chi-Chi conceived Goten before for what-ever reason...
We saw how that changed Trunks, but how'd that change Goten?
I never thought about that until now.
But you know how the comedy has the characters act in a different way than they normally would. If Nami in a comedic moment thinks that someone from the crew died she could be like "My bad for making you do that." but if it's srs business she probably...
One reason is he doesn't have electricity around him. Electricity is shown to show how high a character is & looks kewl too. Ultimate Gohan doesn't, so he isn't that high.
That's that.
I was looking through the manga and in the exhibition fight, I somehow saw that Toppo said he'll respond in kind when Goku transformed into SSJ-God and exhibited God-ki. I don't think I ever remembered seeing that does that mean GoD powered-up Toppo was also in the manga?
I see this a-lot for some reason, so let's settle this plz.
Which one do you prefer/like more? Not the best, but just like more.
One-Piece for me and that's not even close. One-Piece (of gr9ness) >>> Hiatus x Hiatus
I don't even like HxH.
Also Hunter x Hunter doesn't seem original. A-lot of...
A post I just read made me think of this.
What if after the Freeza saga, Vegeta were to return as an SSJ and get his revenge like he promised at the end of the battle on earth? Obviously there might be no Cell saga then but then again you can't really revolve an entire saga around that.
Whose death in-universe would cause for the most disorder/chaos/what-ever else? Maybe even surprise or disbelief.
It'd have to be some-one way up the ladder. Maybe someone from the marines or maybe a Yonko?
In no particular order for me:
DragonBall (Z)
Honourable-Mention: early Pokémon
EDIT: Also obviously this has nothing to do with the quality of the series.
Another Saiyan-Saga fill-out but this one is very different from the others:
Vegeta - 100
-- post vs Kaio-Ken x3 Goku --
-- post getting blasted by KHH --
-- Oozaru --
-- post Oozaru --
-- post Genki-Dama --
Goku -
-- Kaio-Ken --
--- Genki-Dama --
-- Genki-Dama (power-lost) --
Gohan -