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  1. ahill1

    Can DB characters react to light speed attacks?

    Well, I believe that characters such as Raditz are already equipped with the necessary reflex to dodge attacks at light speed. Light travels at just over 186,000 miles per second, while the Moon is 250,000 miles from us. Light can reach moon in a little more than a second (1.3 seconds to be...
  2. ahill1

    Merus vs Vegetto SSJ (from Z)

    Merus vs the Vegetto SSJ we saw in the original manga who schooled Boohan. Who wins this?
  3. ahill1

    Pre Majin Vegeta vs Kid Gohan (CGs)

    Who wins?
  4. ahill1

    Why didn't Vegeta's tail grow back?

    When Vegeta had his injuries healed in an alien planet, he stated his tail would grow back... but it never did. Did Toriyama just forget about that?
  5. ahill1

    Base Goku vs Yakon

    Say Goku couldn't transform into a SSJ. Who'd get this?
  6. ahill1


    So... Talking about the company that offers translations of mangas for Western fans. What's your opinion on it regarding Dragon Ball? Did it do a good job to convey the story? Any line you particularly like or dislike? I personally kinda dsilike how they made Vegeta seem a Z team on Trunks'...
  7. ahill1

    DB game for smartphone or tablet

    So, do you guys know if there's a nice DB game that I can access in my smartphone or tablet? Maybe one available at Play Store that has a somewhat decent graphic.
  8. ahill1

    Do you agree that...

    Dressrosa was the most hyped up arc in OP and yet ended up being a disappointment?
  9. ahill1

    Would you like if...

    Say that the series you guys follow weren't released an episode per week, instead they took more time to release the entirety of the volume, making it available online (if there're 10 chapters in a volume, then it'd take up 70 days/10 weeks to be released). Would you like it better?
  10. ahill1

    Did Goku increase his powers

    Did Goku increase his powers when mastering, keeping the SSJ Blue's aura inside of his body? Or was that just a way to fight in the Blue state at its 100%?
  11. ahill1

    Why did Kuma...

    Speaking about Kuma, the former revolutionary... why do you think he volunteered himself to be weaponized by Vegapunk? Why's he cooperating with the World Government when we know the revolutionaries sits at a complete opposite side?
  12. ahill1

    Roger and the power of reincarnation

    Some people speculate that Roger had the power of reincarnating his soul into a new body. Seems like one of these crazy theories, but some statements seem to still keep it up alive. Gold D. Roger stated for Rayleigh that he won't die: Might be just a way of saying that the spirit of the...
  13. ahill1

    Reading One Piece --Thriller Bark and onwards

    Well, I think have lots of manga to read and still need to get on LotGH as promissed, but since I'm somewhat busy I chose to be commiting some of the iddle time to something that doesn't require that much of an effot. So I've decided to read OP starting from Thriller Bark and stop it right...
  14. ahill1

    Tsuburi runs a Z gauntlet

    So for those who have been following the current's Super arc, Tsuburi is the warrior formed by the assimilation of many Namekians made to stop Moro. He was one-shotted in a brutal way, but considering this Moro has already ability surpassing that of a SSJG, the Namekian warrior's power remains a...
  15. ahill1

    Berserk's recent chapter discussion

    Well, while the chapters aren't released consistently, I figured it'd be fine to have its own thread so new chapters can be discussed more concisely. In the most recent ones Griffith shows a bit more from his ideal world and agrees with the princess in regards to there being a oprhanage. It...
  16. ahill1

    Which final tournament match was more one-sided?

    So, out of the three Budokai matches we've seen in Dragon Ball (there's the joke of 18 vs Satan, so exclude that), which one was more one-sided to you? To me, it seemed Goku was one step ahead of his opponents in the three final matches, although it was less visible with Piccolo until the final...
  17. ahill1

    Vegeta going to Yardrat

    Why do you think Vegeta opted to part ways with the crew and go to Yardrat? Could he be going for a new unrevealed technique?
  18. ahill1

    DB part 1 battle powers

    Challenged by GSM to present a not-ignoring scouters list. Well, since I've already done quite a few of them that doesn't ignore the numbers provided at Raditz's arrival, it shouldn't be too tough. Hunt for the DBs Puar - 2.5 Oolong - 3 Bulma - 4 Bandit Bear - 6.6 Yamcha - 9 Son Goku -...
  19. ahill1

    Is Zoro asexual?

    Well, besides Sanji there isn't any other member that openly shows their interest on the opposite sex. But these character have had at least one scene or another that shows they have interest -- Usopp has shown it in some of his lines and Luffy reacted to Nami's naked body like the others...
  20. ahill1

    South Kaioshin vs Boo saga characters

    What's the strongest character South Kaioshin can defeat?

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.