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  1. GSM123

    Freeza on the Android Arc

    Why during the Arc Freeza is still brought as a big deal? He was supposed to be complete fodder from the moment Trunks sliced him, but he still used as a measure stick for the SSJs power. Does this imply Piccolo and the two first Androids can't replicate the same feat, thus are still weaker than...
  2. GSM123

    Android Arc Fill In

    Do your best fags :nice King Cold Cyborg Freeza SSJ Trunks (Debut) SSJ Goku (Yardrat) SSJ Gohan (Two arms) Future 17 (<50%) SSJ Gohan (One arm) Android 20 Android 20 (Post Yamcha) Android 19 SSJ Goku (Healthy) SSJ Goku (Sick) Android 19 (Post Kamehameha) SSJ Goku (Post Kamehameha) SSJ Vegeta...
  3. GSM123

    GreatSaiyaman reads Berserk

    Coming soon :donovan
  4. GSM123

    Hulk (2003) vs Hulk (2008) vs Hulk (2012)

    vs vs Who wins? Battle takes place in NY, till death.
  5. GSM123

    Yajirobe > Chaotsu?

    Goku agrees with Tenshinhan when he says the Androids would be too dangerous for Chaotsu: However, Goku is surprised when Yajirobe says he's not fighting: Does this imply even after training with Kaio Chaotsu still even weaker than Yajirobe?
  6. GSM123

    Kuririn killed Vegeta?

    What if when Vegeta is leaving earth and Goku tells Kuririn to spare him Kuririn says "Fuck it" and kills Vegeta? Would they be able to go trought Freeza and the rest of Z without the prince?
  7. GSM123

    GreatSaiyaman's Power Guide

    Please give it feedbacks and suggestions for more themes to add :et Nappa's Power Level: They are clearly putting more Ki, even though they are not changing their Battle Powers. Damn, Piccolo literally ony notices Vegeta is the stronger of the duo when he yells at Nappa, implying he wasn't...
  8. GSM123

    Spiderman (Maguire) vs Spiderman (Garfield)

    Who wins? Win by KO, both in character.
  9. GSM123

    Gero + Z Senshi > SSjin Vegeta experiment

    Goku: 240 ~ SSjin: 1,200 ~ SSjin (Sick): 900 ~ SSjin (Post Kamehameha): 600 Vegeta: 250 ~ SSjin: 1,250 ~ Post 19: 750 ~ Post BBA: 600 Trunks: 225 ~ SSjin: 1,125 Piccolo: 200 ~ Full Power: 1,000 Gohan: 180 Kuririn: 150 Tenshinhan: 120 Yamcha: 100 Android 19: 600 ~ Post Goku's beatdown: 400 ~...
  10. GSM123

    Goku's Warp Kamehameha killed Cell?

    I had another one in mind but i forgot, so... How things would play out? Would 16 jump in and explode himself along with Goku or would he stayed with the Z Fighters? Would Vegeta challenge the worn out Goku? Would they be able to stop Babidi of releasing Buu? Would Goku or the Z Senshi as a...
  11. GSM123

    Android suppression

    This has been bugging me for a while. 18 states at the Budokai it's difficult to hold back: However, 18 seems to have a pretty good power control when she holds back to fight Vegeta. 17 also casually go trought Trunks, Piccolo and Tenshinhan without killing any of them, and his futre self is...
  12. GSM123

    Was Piccolo's Rosat section retconed?

    Ok, we all know Buu Arc heavily implies Base Saiyans > Piccolo, though this is impossible due to Cell Games Piccolo being not too far from SSjin Vegeta and Trunks. But what if Piccolo was actually retconed and is back to Cyborg tier? This wouldn't surprise me as some belive Gohan's SSjin 2 on...
  13. GSM123

    Gap between Kid Trunks and Vegeta?

    How big this gap seems to be? What is more impressive, Vegeta struggling to DOOODGE or Trunks' grazed blow? How would Gohan stand if he was there? Would he land a better blow?
  14. GSM123

    Old Daimao (100%) VS Young Daimao (<50%)

    Who's stronger? I think it's Young as he's treated as a different dimension compared to Old.
  15. GSM123

    Original Nameless Namekian

    As we now, Piccolo's fusion with Kami gives him a 2x boost as stated by Super Kami Guru: But considering how Piccolo Daimao was complete fodder to even the weakest of the saiyans, wouldn't that contradict the fact Katatz' son should be way above the other Namekians? Guru even thinks the saiyan...
  16. GSM123

    How strong was Kuririn during Freeza Arc?

    We know V-Jump places him at 75k, what most people find it really low. But what he has to prove he's above Ginyu? Vegeta even had to supress himself to be injured by Kuririn.
  17. GSM123

    Gohan (Enraged vs 2nd form Freeza) vs Gohan (2nd form Freeza Zenkai)

    People generally put them as equals, or with Zenkai Gohan a bit stronger. But why? What Zenkai Gohan has to prove his worth?
  18. GSM123

    SSJ3 Goku (BoGs) vs Chou Gohan

    Anime scale for both. Who's stronger? I've heard Goku is stronger, but why? Can Vegeta stand up to him as well?
  19. GSM123

    Kaioshin vs Pocus vs 18

    So, who wins?
  20. GSM123

    SSJ Gohan (Two arms) vs Cyborg Freeza

    We know Future Gohan would slaugh him post arm amputation, but what about before? How would he stand against Goku? Does anything implies he's stronger at all?

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