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  1. GSM123

    SSJ3 Goku vs SSJ Gotenks (Pre)

    Unlimited fusion time, no SSJ3 strain. Can Goku overcome the power gap betwen his half child?
  2. GSM123

    Is Base Boys >>> 18 possible?

    I mean, they were unable to win hand to hand even as Super Saiyans... Does anything contradicts the boys being miles above her in base?
  3. GSM123

    Freeza fight fill in

    Freeza (2nd form): ~ Powered up: ~ Full Power: Piccolo (Weighted): ~ Full Power: Freeza (3rd form): Vegeta (Final Zenkai): ~ Planet Buster: Freeza (True Form): ~ Tooling Vegeta ~ Kicking Vegeta's blast: ~ Understimating Goku: ~ Warming up vs Goku: ~ No hands: ~ 50% Power: ~ 70% Power: ~ 100%...
  4. GSM123

    Base Trunks (Cell Games) vs Future 17/18

    Is it possible for Trunks to be > twins?
  5. GSM123

    Yamcha survived the Saibamen fight?

    Had he not died against the Saibamens, would anything play different?
  6. GSM123

    50% Goku vs SSJG3 Trunks

    Power comparison, not fight. Who's stronger?
  7. GSM123

    Is it possible to make a good live action movie?

    I mean, Dragon Ball never had a live action movie before and it's tough to imaginate live action Dragon Ball without looking fucked up. So what do you think? Is it possible or not?
  8. GSM123

    Two base theory

    What do you think of it? Power scaling problem solve or shitty fan theory?
  9. GSM123

    Shin Kikoho

    Seriously, how strong is that shit?
  10. GSM123

    Saiyans growing stronger during battles

    I don't have the link and if one can post it i'll be thankful, but we all know Mr Toriyama did say this. So, what do you guys think of this? Does the Saiyans actually grow stronger throughout their battles? Are there any examples of this?
  11. GSM123

    Kikoho vs <50% Old Daimao

    If Tenshinhan wasn't paralyzed by Roshi and went balls out on Daimao, what good could the Kikoho do on Piccolo? For the sake of the match, let's say Daimao can't go any further than the level he used to stomp Goku.
  12. GSM123

    Tencha runs the Cell Arc gauntlet

    Yamcha and Ten at their peak to the fusion dance and run a Cell Arc gauntlet. How far does he get? No time limit. Round 1: Healed after every match Round 2: Not healed after every match
  13. GSM123

    100% Freeza

    Why his stamina was so :trash? Is he just unable to maintain his full power or the Spirit Bomb screwed him?
  14. GSM123

    Kamiccolo vs Shin

    Not like this has been done to death or anything :troll2 So, was green man sensing :shin or not? Discuss.
  15. GSM123

    Is Manga base Goku god tier?

    So... is he?
  16. GSM123

    Cyborg Freeza vs Debut Trunks

    Had they fought, how would their fight have looked like? No help of Cold and no sword.
  17. GSM123

    Android Arc Tenshinhan vs Namek Goku

    Goku when he fought Freeza. No Kaioken, no Kikoho. I did a Yamcha vs 18k Vegeta post a few days ago and it seemed logical the humans would surpass Saiyan Arc levels. But what about Namek levels? Could Tenshinhan keep up with his former rival after the later's multiple zenkais?
  18. GSM123

    Was Gohan enraged vs 3rd form Freeza?

    The artwork and context does imply Gohan was enraged. However: Chapter: 303 (DBZ 109), P10.2-3 Context: after Freeza repels Gohan’s attack Piccolo: “He bounced that back, but…You’ve become strong, Gohan…I’m happy…” Gohan: “B-but it wasn’t any use…I put all my force into that, but…It didn’t...
  19. GSM123

    Yamcha (Peak) vs Saiyan Arc Vegeta

    Someone prove me the humans have surpassed Saiyan Arc levels :et
  20. GSM123

    Piccolo killed #20?

    Trunks gets 30 seconds late and before he arrives Piccolo kills #20 for good. How would things play out after?

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Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.