I mean, Dragon Ball never had a live action movie before and it's tough to imaginate live action Dragon Ball without looking fucked up.
So what do you think? Is it possible or not?
I don't have the link and if one can post it i'll be thankful, but we all know Mr Toriyama did say this. So, what do you guys think of this? Does the Saiyans actually grow stronger throughout their battles? Are there any examples of this?
If Tenshinhan wasn't paralyzed by Roshi and went balls out on Daimao, what good could the Kikoho do on Piccolo? For the sake of the match, let's say Daimao can't go any further than the level he used to stomp Goku.
Yamcha and Ten at their peak to the fusion dance and run a Cell Arc gauntlet. How far does he get?
No time limit.
Round 1: Healed after every match
Round 2: Not healed after every match
Goku when he fought Freeza. No Kaioken, no Kikoho.
I did a Yamcha vs 18k Vegeta post a few days ago and it seemed logical the humans would surpass Saiyan Arc levels. But what about Namek levels? Could Tenshinhan keep up with his former rival after the later's multiple zenkais?
The artwork and context does imply Gohan was enraged. However:
Chapter: 303 (DBZ 109), P10.2-3
Context: after Freeza repels Gohan’s attack
Piccolo: “He bounced that back, but…You’ve become strong, Gohan…I’m happy…”
Gohan: “B-but it wasn’t any use…I put all my force into that, but…It didn’t...