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  1. ahill1

    Gotenks base (pre RoSaT) vs Majin Vegeta SSJ2

    Who wins?
  2. ahill1


    So I was planning in getting a Dragon Ball game for PS4. Is then the FighterZ the best option for such in your guys opinions? Or maybe some Tenkaichi Budokai game?
  3. ahill1

    Goku and Vegeta [Super Manga]

    So, we know that in the Zamasu saga there were some implications that Vegeta's lower forms were way above Goku's. For instance, Trunks SSJ2 was said to be about as strong as Goku SSJ3, yet we saw how the former was absolutely no match for base Black, which implies base Black is considerably...
  4. ahill1

    Zoro (pre timeskip, at his peak) vs Rob Lucci

    Zoro right after being healed by Perona, when he was about to train with Mihawk vs Rob Lucci. Could Zoro's death-overcoming from Thriller Bark (where he received a massive amount of damage) and Archipelago Shabondy (where he was still suffering from thriller bark's wounds) + new sword give him...
  5. ahill1

    Top 10 soundtracks

    Hey guys, list here your top 10 soundtracks valid for any anime. And, if you'd like to explain... not that there's a way to explain why you'd prefer such soundtrack over another haha. Btw, mine: 1999 Kurapika's theme (Konpaku no Elegy) Kaze no Uta (HxH 1999) 1999 Gon's theme (Mujakin...
  6. ahill1

    Jiren vs Beerus

    Who wins?
  7. ahill1

    Goku SSJ3 vs Kid Boo

    Assume that Goku was fighting as a dead person, like he was against fat Boo.
  8. ahill1

    Piccolo (movie 3) vs Dodoria

    Who wins?
  9. ahill1

    BoZ weighted Goku and Tenshinhan

    As you see, at the beginning of Z, Tenshinhan's battle power was listed as 250, whereas weighted Goku is read as 334... yet they seemed to be pretty evenly at the 23rd Budokai, exchanging blows to same effects and so on. So, do you think it's possible Tenshinhan's 250 battle power was just his...
  10. ahill1

    Was Piccolo Junior wearing weighted clothes in the 23rd Budokai?

    Was him? I remember that Goku seemed somewhat shocked that Piccolo was wearing weighted clothes in their fight against Raditz, with him asking "so you are wearing weighted clothes" or something like this, to which Piccolo answered "yes, as are you". But still it seems somewhat stupid Piccolo...
  11. ahill1

    Dragon Ball's philosophy

    So, I have recently run into a video in which a YouTuber -- Wisecrack -- talked about Dragon Ball's philosophy. I found it interesting, despite him making use of some erroneous dub lines, like Goku's ridiculous speech to Freeza in SSJ, which was complely changed in the shitty US dub...
  12. ahill1

    Vegetto vs Gogeta

    So, it seems to be evident that Vegetto is considerably stronger... but by how much, would you say? Boo saga version, of course.
  13. ahill1

    Mah gaps

    Criticize it: [Mecha Freeza battle] King Cold -- 225 Mecha Freeza -- 300 Future Trunks SSJ -- 340 Son Goku SSJ -- 360 [Androids saga] Android #19 post -- 320 Android #20 post -- 350 Piccolo -- 400 Future Trunks SSJ -- 470 Son Goku SSJ -- 510 Vegeta SSJ -- 530 Android #18 -- 700 Android...
  14. ahill1


    In DBS, Goku is seen using the Kaioken technique constantly... he doesn't drop out of it after attacking, he uses it all the time even when he is just standing around. In the manga, Goku (upon defeating Nappa) described the Kaioken as something that would be amplified momentatily...
  15. ahill1

    SSJ 300x base in ToP?

    There was a random fighter with armor fighting Vegeta and they were initially seemingly fighting on par with Vegeta in base: And then this guy stated his attacks would get 300x stronger, and yet Vegeta could fend off him in SSJ: ... so whatchu think?
  16. ahill1

    Gotenks SSJ (post RoSaT) vs Goku SSJ3 (Boo saga)

    Who has got this?
  17. ahill1

    Some interesting thing

    Some people wonder whether Vegeta was a SSJ when fighting the androids in future Trunks' timeline... for all it's worth, in a bonus story, Toyotaro illustrated some scene about the fight against the androids and Vegeta was seen in base only: Does this mean something?
  18. ahill1

    Dodoria and Zarbon's battle powers

    What do you think their battle powers were? Handsome Zarbon, not the ugly one. Honestly, them being 20,000 and 22,000 respectively would match better their poor (in Dodoria's case, pathetic) performance against 24k Vegeta... One could argue that Vegeta was simply more skilled than them, but...
  19. ahill1

    Vegeta and Piccolo on Earth

    In your guys opinions, what would be Piccolo and Vegeta's battle powers when they were transported to Earth by the Namekian Dragon Balls? As soon as they reached Earth's land and Piccolo got healed by Dende, I mean. Also, if Vegeta wished, do you think he could conquer the Earth at that time...
  20. ahill1

    Dragon Ball Game for PC

    Is there some good DB game for Computer? I used to play Budokai Tenkaichi for PS2, so is there some PC's that can match that quality-wise? What about for cell phone/tablet?

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