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  1. ahill1

    Yonkos vs Admirals

    A 3 vs 3 battle, between the greatest powers of the OP's world: Akainu, Aokiji & Kizaru vs Big Mom, Kaido and Shanks Which group would emerge victorious? The Yonkos or the Admirals? Bonus question: how does the top three from Luffy's crew compare to them currently, post TS? Do you think...
  2. ahill1

    Gohan SSJ vs SSJ2 --> breakdown

    Ok, after reading the manga many times and witnessing many debates regarding this matter, I think I'll make a complete breakdown regarding whether Gohan might be a SSJ or a SSJ2. You pick what make more sense to you. Gohan was a SSJ1 vs Dabura The most undenieable argument someone will use to...
  3. ahill1

    For the ones who think Gohan > suppressed Cell

    How do you explain this:
  4. ahill1

    Did Grey Boo have some influence from the Kaioshins?

    He still had the cape, boots and glove, which are the vests from Dai Kaioshin: Maybe that's the difference between Grey Boo and kid Boo? The former still has some influence from the Kaioshins, although very suppressed.
  5. ahill1

    Franky (Water 7) vs Arlong

    Franky from when he first appeared in the series vs Arlong. Who wins?
  6. ahill1

    Some fun theory that might explain...

    might explain the ssj multiplier lessening a lot by the Boo saga: Base - 3 SSJ - 150 (50x Base) Goku improves 50x by obtaining FPSSJ Base - 150 FPSSJ - 7500 (still 50x Base) SSJ2 - 15000 (2x FPSSJ) SSJ3 - 60000 (4x SSJ2) Maximum ssj power correlates with base power SSJ3/FPSSJ = 60000/7500...
  7. ahill1

    South Kaioshin vs Perfect Cell

    Perfect Cell at full power. Who wins? Please, justify your answer.
  8. ahill1

    Yakon vs Vegeta SSJG2 [fight against semi cell]

    The monster Yakon vs the Vegeta who dominated Semi Cell... who wins?
  9. ahill1

    Doffy's farewell to Vergo and Monet

    Did you also find it pretty good and sad?
  10. ahill1

    Cell Games Gaps

    Android #16 : 700,000,000 Piccolo : 2,700,000,000 Trunks SSJ : 3,200,000,000 Vegeta SSJ : 3,300,000,000 Cell Juniors : 3,500,000,000 Goku SSJ : 5,000,000,000 Cell (vs Goku) : 5,500,000,000 Gohan SSJ : 6,000,000,000 Cell (full power) : 8,000,000,000 Super Perfect Cell : 11,500,000,000...
  11. ahill1

    Who was unbalanced? Cell or Gohan?

    In the Cell Games Cell stated he'd go all out in speed against Gohan, but didn't suggest an increase in power. This means either Cell was holding back his speed more than he was his power, or that Gohan was simply faster than his chi level would indicate. Gohan was unbalanced Goku SSJ : 100...
  12. ahill1

    Can a Metamorian fusion of the adults go SSJ?

    The kids had to train into the RoSaT to be able to turn into SSJs after fusing. What about the adults?
  13. ahill1


    In which situation can it be performed? In DB, both Mutaito and Roshi could seal Piccolo Daimao, but at the expense of their lives. Piccolo Junior reverted Kami's, and in DBS Roshi stated he'd die were him to use it on Zamasu and wouldn't be able to seal him at all.
  14. ahill1

    Kami (before splitting) - how strong was him?

    I've made this topic on F and wanted to also do it here, in mah DB home: strong was Kami before his split? This is a question whose answer is still somewhat vague and has yet to be totally maped out by the Dragon Ball community. Firstly, let's remember what the Great Elder of Namek has said...
  15. ahill1

    Oda explains why is One Piece lasting so long

    In a interview to the Log magazine, Oda said the Shichibukais are the ones to blame for One Piece being so long. He said he didn't intend to introducce those Warlords at first and have Luffy already facing the Yonkous, without long sagas like Alabasta and Dressrosa. He said then that OP was...
  16. ahill1

    Mini Piccolo Junior

    Do you think this statement, in which was said the Piccolo that hatched out of the egg is hardly any different from Piccolo Daimao mean baby Piccolo Junior ~ Piccolo Daimao (young)?
  17. ahill1

    Yamcha (22nd Budokai) vs Tao Pai Pai

    Who wins?
  18. ahill1

    Goku SSJ4 (battle against Baby) vs Vegetto SSJ3 (Boo saga)

    Can't remember if I already did this thread, but here we go!
  19. ahill1

    Goku SSJ4 (fight against Baby) vs Vegetto SSJ3 (Boo saga)

    Who wins?
  20. ahill1

    Are Boo saga Goku SSJ2 and Majin Vegeta far stronger than kid Gohan?

    Are they? Answer me honestly, ya butt sniffers.

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