This is not a fight but rather which had a better appearance from these two GOATs? We all know both of them appeared twice in the series therefore it is fair to compare their appearances.
No Negativity Allowed:
Broly gets hate a lot from majority of fans and a lot of negativity which made Broly a meme for years. Now let's praise the Legendary Of Saiyans shall we?
I like his character that he's really obsessed with Goku [although the reason was poorly executed] and the only...
I don't want to ruin the DBGT Appreciation thread where it almost turn into a discussion about Pan's strength on SDA [Shadow Dragons Arc].
So how strong is she? Did she surpass her father?
NO Negativity Allowed!
We all know that 99.9% of DB fans thinks that GT suck like a cancer but let's have an open minded and appreciate the series.
Fearless: One of the positive things that GT made was the SSjin4. It really looks like a true Saiyan form by combining the Super Saiyan and...
We all know that we all became a fun of the anime by watching it and not because of the manga.
So what's the first anime that you became an instant fan of the series?
Me: The first anime that I became an instant fan is Hokuto No Ken. I'm just a fan of DBZ at that time but it was HnK that...
What do you guys think about it? I've seen some other forum's posts and felt disturbed. Now what does Zeta thinks about it?
Me personally, I just find it to be cringe and felt like I was watching a hentai porn. :donovan
Which is the best time do you think for them to fight on Z? We never got a rematch between this too and since the Saiyan arc, Goku went on becoming the strongest person in the universe meanwhile Piccolo was left in the dust.
Fearless OP: The best time for them to have a rematch is during...
3 movies of Broly and which one is the best? Post your opinion as well.
Me: The best movie would his second coming, probably it has something to do with less Goku and also the fight as well. It's not kind generic fight that you'll see like where the Z fighters will team up against the villain...
Does that make Base Goku on par or stronger than his SSjin form from Namek in his natural state? If not then do you have any explanation of this contradiction?