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  1. ahill1

    Kuroro vs Hisoka -- 2nd round

    I was challenged by CC to come up with a general manga topic and I take that as an opportunity to discuss something that I'm interested to see your opinions. Based on the low pace of the HxH's manga, this fight isn't likely to happen anytime soon, so how would you foresee their 2nd round...
  2. ahill1

    Cell Games

    What's your analysis on the Cell Games as a whole? Did you enjoy it? Do you think it was well handled? Imo, it was one of the strong suits of the story. It had an important moment of Goku, this time admitting he isn't strong enough to protect the Earth and passing the torch to his son, the...
  3. ahill1

    Implication that Cell is less than 50x Freeza?

    In the Super manga, we see Goku soundly oneshotting Freeza in SSJ (in his image training)... and then he repeats the same process against Cell, also in SSJ. The fact that the same transformation was needed to defeat both warriors shouldn't imply Cell's less than 50x Freeza? Otherwise, why'd Goku...
  4. ahill1

    Vegetto SSJB (Zamasu arc) vs Jiren

    Manga version of both. Who wins?
  5. ahill1

    Vegeta's 'end of Z' speech

    Talking about Vegeta's speech towards Goku when this latter was fighting Kid Boo. How do you take that? Do you think that was Vegeta admitting inferiority? Do you think that implies Vegeta would no longer hold that old obsession in surpassing Goku?
  6. ahill1

    Androids saga Piccolo

    How strong do you have him? I find it to be kind of debatable, but as of now I have him as considerably above the past SSJs shown three years ago. Pre Kami, ofc.
  7. ahill1

    Was Tenshinhan really that strong?

    This seems to comprove it: :giraffe :mikey
  8. ahill1

    Base Gotenks' strength

    Do you take base Gotenks' implied placement seriously, or generally discard it due to most of the implications being surrounded by gag moments?
  9. ahill1

    Something interesting regarding the timelines

    We know that the Trunks that killed Freeza and Cold specified that he came from 20 years into the future: Yet, three years later, he stated he came from 17 years into the future (can't find exactly where he said that, but I know it was stated). And we know the Cell that ended up in the main...
  10. ahill1

    Doflamingo's eyes

    I was challneged by CC to do an OP topic. Since I couldn't think of anything so productive and vs topics are kind of a cliché in shonen mangas, I'd like to talk about Doffy's eyes. Do you think there's something to keep Oda from revealing them? I know they just appeared in a single panel in a...
  11. ahill1

    Cell Games Piccolo

    How strong do you have big green after his RoSaT trip? Honestly, this is one of the topics with the most varying range of placements along the years... I have already seen people saying he is still #16's level as I have seen people believing he surpassed even 50% SSJ Goku. So, where do you have...
  12. ahill1

    Goku and Vegeta's lower forms

    So, talking about their Super manga selves, we know that the first comparison we can trace between Goku and Vegeta was in the BoG arc, when Vegeta got rage boosted due to Beerus slapping Bulma and performed considerably better than Goku. Even though there was no comparison through a statement...
  13. ahill1

    Goku/Piccolo and their reversing roles

    Think about it for a moment... Goku is a Saiyajin, was supposed to be a low-class one, with goal of destroying the habitants of other planets and selling it for a good price for other people... while Piccolo Junior is a Namekian, a race consisted by farmers, healers, magicians... overall, by...
  14. ahill1


    How strong do you have Yajirobe, on his first appearence in Dragon Ball? Why?
  15. ahill1

    Dragon Ball full color -- Androids and onwards arcs

    I know that VIZ has already translated the first two Z arcs off of the DB colored version... what about the other ones though, like the androids, Cell and Boo's arcs? Are they ever going to release it?
  16. ahill1

    Power Reveru Listu

    Freeza (100%) -- 230,000,000 Goku SSJ -- 250,000,000 Son Gohan -- 900,000 Piccolo -- 4,500,000 Vegeta -- 5,000,000 King Cold -- 180,000,000 Mecha Freeza -- 270,000,000 Future Trunks -- 9,000,000 --- SSJ -- 450,000,000 Son Goku -- 10,500,000 -- SSJ --- 525,000,000 Android's arrival Android...
  17. ahill1

    Current Roshi (DBS manga)

    I've read some people over at Kanzenshuu saying he is still weaker than Namek Freeza... does it hold any true? Manga-Roshi, that is.
  18. ahill1

    This recent chapter and its implications

    I don't know whether I like it... whilst I have yet to read the full chapter and not just see images spread out in the internet, does that imply Goku temporarily forgot to incorporate/integrate Kami's teachings when fighting? I know that Goku did still employ such when dodging Tenshinhan in the...
  19. ahill1

    Does current Roshi (DBS) clean the original-manga characters?

    Does he manage to get past Boohan and Vegetto? I'm guessing yes, considering he can avoid some punches from Jiren, and suppressed though Jiren was, he seemed to be at a level strong enough to deal with SSJB Goku...
  20. ahill1

    Goten and Trunks fighting the Cell Juniors

    Does that shed light on their Boo arc placement, as that was still a topic of debate?

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