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  1. ahill1

    Beerus saying base Goku can't defeat Freeza

    Do you take that as an indicator of the base Saiyajins being still below Freeza in the Boo saga, or write that off due to the implications of the Boo saga? Or maybe you think the scene hasn't much relevance since Beerus was 'examining' Goku's body instead of reading his chi?
  2. ahill1

    Vegeta (mecha freeza saga) vs Piccolo (mecha freeza saga)

    Who wins this fight? Did Piccolo catch up to Vegeta nearly 2 years after the battle on Namek?
  3. ahill1

    Lone Wolf and Cub

    I am about to get into this series. Would you guys recommend me the manga or the anime? I am reading the first chapter at MangaSee btw (if you guys say the anime is worth it though I will go to it) and it seems it's read from left to right, rather than the right-left common in the mangas... is...
  4. ahill1

    Petition to unban freezamite

    He might be a dick and have a condescending attitude, but I was really looking forward to his debate against CroMagnumHDV... that'd be lit to see for sure. But freezamite hadn't have the chance to reply since he was banned... can you guys unsuspend him? That's the battle between posters that...
  5. ahill1

    Ace's strength

    Via scaling from his feats against Jimbei, it doesn't seem Ace is that much stronger than current G2 Luffy... but considering he was the 2nd commandant of Whitebeard's crew, 2nd just to Marco, wouldn't that imply he was a lot stronger, considering Luffy needed Gear Fourth to deal with the...
  6. ahill1

    ahill's battle powers (starting from the CGs)

    Cell Games Yamcha : 120,000 Tenshinhan : 150,000 Kuririn : 180,000 Android #16 : 500,000,000 Piccolo : 1,600,000,000 Trunks SSJ : 1,900,000,000 Vegeta SSJ : 2,000,000,000 Cell Junior : 2,100,000,000 Son Goku FPSSJ : 3,000,000,000 Cell (vs Goku) : 3,300,000,000 Gohan FPSSJ : 3,600,000,000...
  7. ahill1

    A short story about...

    So... what did you guys think about it?
  8. ahill1

    Beerus ordering Freeza to destroy planet Vegeta

    What do you think about Beerus saying he ordered Freeza to end with the Saiyajins once and for all (I think that was what was said)? Does that alter something of the Freeza saga to you, as in, you operate under the belief that Beerus was the mind behind that all, even if retroactively? That's...
  9. ahill1

    Boo Saga Gohan SSJ2

    How strong do you think SSJ2 Boo saga Gohan is in comparison to Perfect Cell and SPC? Right in the middle of them? Right in the middle seems a good approach to me, to be honest.
  10. ahill1

    Earthlings in the androids arc

    In what do you guys base to rate them given the absence of a solid piece of evidence for their placement?
  11. ahill1

    ToP in the manga (thus far)

    Do you think it's being better handled than the ToP anime's counterpart, thus far?
  12. ahill1

    Piccolo (arrival of future Trunks boi) vs Goku base (fight against Freeza)

    Who wins this fight?
  13. ahill1

    HxH -- Nen's restrictions

    I like the "each technique has its restriction" mentality. But correct if I am wrong, part of the reason for why Kurapika's chain got so strong was due to him assigning a heavy restriction to using it in anyone but the Genei Ryodans... don't you guys think that kind of a cheap way to strengthen...
  14. ahill1

    Hunter x Hunter -- best aspect

    Okay, so Pocket-God did a thread a while ago incentivating people to talk abou the aspect of HxH that disappointed them the most. I'd like for you guys to share the aspect that you like the most about this fantastic manga. To be honest with you, the 1999 anime was the one which triggered my...
  15. ahill1

    Bojack's minions

    How do Bojack's minions (Zangya, Bido and Gokua) relate to the Cell Juniors + CGs Vegeta and Trunks? Add Dabura into the mix if you feel he is anywhere in the same realm (I personally don't). I have always seen Bojack's minions as a movie-representation of the Cell Juniors, in which case they'd...
  16. ahill1

    Piccolo's line during his fight against Frost

    So, as you can see here, during Piccolo's fight against Forst, he stated that he wasn't a Namekian and was rather a reincarnation of Demon King Piccolo... But isn't that a regression of the character, considering that, even though he still didn't want to take a peaceful life like the Namekians...
  17. ahill1

    Smoothie vs Boa Hancock

    A battle between ladies. Who has got this? I think Smoothie.
  18. ahill1

    Merged Zamasu runs the ToP Gauntlet

    How far does he get? Round 2 : MZ has Blue Vegetto helping him; they are fighting as a team.
  19. ahill1


    How strong do you have East Kaioshin?
  20. ahill1

    Future Cell's timeline

    How much into the future is future Cell's timeline? Trunks stated the then-mysterious time machine came from three years further in the future compared to when he left... and then Cell spent 4 years maturing on Earth's land. So, is the future Cell's timeline 7 years in the future compared to...

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