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  1. ahill1

    Big Mom vs Fujitora

    Who wins this fight? Interestingly enough, Mom Caramel, when trying to sell Big Mom, stated she is cut out to be an admiral or maybe even a fleet admiral. So maybe that's a hint that Big Mom is at the same level as the admirals?
  2. ahill1

    Chimera Ant's arc analysis

    So, I found an analysis in the internet for the CA arc of HxH and I found that a fantastic analysis, so much so I'd like to share it with you guys: So, what do you guys think about such analysis? Did he...
  3. ahill1

    Do you guys also feel

    ...that the CP9 group doesn't do justice to the 'next step' of a God that was about to blow up an entire ISLAND? Luffy defeating said God seemed way more impressive than him later defeating some guy whose finger was as powerful as a pistol. If anything, Eneru would be better suited as the next...
  4. ahill1

    How would Zoro react to

    How would Zoro react to the whole "fight" between Luffy and Sanji in your opinion? We know that Zoro opposed to Luffy accepting Usopp back with open arms due to the way this latter conducted himself, not respecting Luffy's authority as a captain and trying to fight him. So were Zoro witnessing...
  5. ahill1

    Pedro vs Kyros

    Kyros on his human body, of course. Who wins?
  6. ahill1

    Pirate Robot, General Metallic and General Blue

    How do these guys compare to each other? Are they all in similar levels?
  7. ahill1

    Japanese forum and Korean forum

    Not DB-related, but do you guys know if there's a Japanese or a Korean forum in which it's discussed Dragon Ball? I have always felt interest in debating with Japanese and Korean people, seeing their take on the series, their opinion on power-related debates and so on. Besides Kenshi, I don't...
  8. ahill1

    Can Boo saga SSJ Goku defeat Full Power Perfect Cell?

    So we know that Cell Games SSJ Gokunuadn't even the power to deal with a suppressed Perfect Cell and this latter was considerably holding back his power and speed so he could have an e tertaining match against Goku. But what about Boo saga SSJ Goku? We know he has gotten considerably stronger...
  9. ahill1

    Android #19 (post absorptions) vs Android #20 (post absorptions)

    Who wins this?
  10. ahill1

    I can't understand why

    Some people do think Future Trunks has a power advantage against the androids of his timeline and lost ultimately due to their infinite stamina and team work. I mean, that's completely going against the flow of the narrative. Not only Trunks says he won't be able to escape even fighting against...
  11. ahill1

    Battle Powers List

    Using the 3M/150M for Goku in the Namek saga because it's easy to set things from there. Multipliers SSJ : 50x --> at its introduction 40x --> at the Cell Games and Boo saga, minus Gotenks 25x --> post 1st RoSaT for Vegeta and Trunks 7.5x --> Androids saga 2.5x --> for Gotenks and at the...
  12. ahill1

    Dragon Ball like a book

    So what if Dragon Ball were written following the "path" of a book instead of a manga? Those following pages could be like this, I'd wager: So, our 5 warriors were found in the blink of an eye and have toiled every one of their days training under Kami and Popo's tutel. Tenshinhan is out of...
  13. ahill1

    Vegeta's durability

    Do you guys think Vegeta's durability is generally plot based? I mean, at the Saiyajins saga, he seemed to be the most durable guy ever introducced, withstanding Goku's beatdown, a KMHMH from a Kaioken x4, a Genki-Dama whose power multiplied by 2 could presumably kill Oozaru Vegeta, an Oozaru...
  14. ahill1

    A doubt

    I still have a doubt that is killing me. So, the most accepted theory regarding the timelines is that the Trunks from future Cell's timeline traveled to another timeline and supposedly got there the blueprints to kill the androids of his timeline. There was no Cell traveling from another future...
  15. ahill1

    #8 donating his chi to the Genk-Dama

    Is that a plothole? I wouldn't say #17 doing so is a plot hole because he was formely a biological being who was modified into a cyborg with infinite energy, but #8 seems to be entirely rebot, just like #16.
  16. ahill1

    Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

    Which anime should I watch? The one producced on 1993 or the most recent one?
  17. ahill1

    Could Ultimate Gohan turn into a SSJ?

    At least as far as the manga goes, that doesn't seem to be the case. Gohan asked Elder Kaioshin for how to turn into that Super powerful warrior, to which Elder stated he should fire it up, just like Super Saiyajin... and yet Gohan didn't turn into a SSJ, he rather 'transformed' into that...
  18. ahill1

    Ozaru Vegeta

    How strong do you think he was? We know that the Ozaru multiplies Vegeta's battle power by a factor of 10, which would make a Ozaru Vegeta, on his utmost capabilities, as 180k. But considering Vegeta had already been considerably damaged by then, and that his power also took a significant dip...
  19. ahill1


    He seemed to be withstanding the 10x gravity without being overwhelmed by it here: Does this mean anything?

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
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Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.