A great mangaka once said: "For a pregnant woman to give birth, she's gotta feel the pain of pulling a watermelon out of her nostril. For an Artist to create a masterpiece, he's gotta feel the pain of pulling entire galaxies out of his ass.".
With that in mind, which series did the best job of...
he said:
"Bear conviction under your flag!"
"If the endless dream guides your restless spirit, seize it! Raise your flag, and stand tall!"
I think these apply to Luffy
"unstoppable ideas are held deep in the heart of man"
Luffy is a man
Was his haki that strong, like Katakuri's?
Ask Akainu to bury it under magma on some random island, then Aokiji turns the island into a winter island. Or just give it to mariejoa (unless they don't want to give the Celestial Dragons so much power). Or use a devil fruit to turn One Piece into a fish and throw it in the ocean.
On TV I watch without, but on computers I almost always use them. More immersive and I hear some sounds I'd miss otherwise, if I was just using the laptop's speakers - random background sounds, parts of the voice acting (like grunts) and some sounds from the OST (the low end definitely won't be...
If so, when? Is the moon Pluton? Does Blackbeard use his fruit to bring the moon down and that causes Enel to arrive?Does he move the moon and make the calm belts into normal parts of the ocean? Do the SHs destroy the moon?
Someone helped me come up with this topic.
Specifically the characters involved with the parts of the series that are of this topic title's genres.
Naruto: even Sas/SakuRAH/Naruto don't
OP: all the Strawhatwaras
Hunter x Hunter
I thought of this topic all on my own.
Specifically the characters involved with the parts of the series that are of this topic title's genres.
Which can you think of? Name them and maybe name the characters. That's literally the only purpose of this topic.
Gintama: Shinsengumi mains...
Why does Tenshinhan say "We'll probably never meet again" at the end of the Cell Saga? Wtf? They've been meeting regularly since the 22nd Tenkaichi Budokai. Why's he being a loner?
He obliterates 18 and 17 instantly, but with Cell maybe he should've been able to do the same thing with ASSJ too? Why risk a drawn out fight if you can end it instantly? Maybe he felt confident that he has such a huge advantage with SSJ1 that ASSJ isn't needed, but he knows Cell has sneaky...
Let's say Spike turns up to the ToP. He slaughters everyone except Goku, Gohan and Ribriane, but does he eviscerate the gods of destruction in the crowd too?