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  1. Warmmedown

    Which manga has the best art quality to story quality ratio

    Art way better than the story
  2. Warmmedown

    Which manga has the best story quality to art quality ratio

    Excluding HunterxHunter, because that's too obvious
  3. Warmmedown

    Do you think the admirals (kizaru, blind guy, green bull, akainu) will be defeated in big battles one-on-one? If so, by who?

    Do you think so or will they just be in a situation like Marineford where there weren't drawn out clashes? Who fights who if there are going to be solo fights to the finish? If guess: Akainu - Sabo That's the only one I can guess. I'm not even sure the SHs will fight the admirals, since they...
  4. Warmmedown

    Do you think it would be cool for SHs to beat a Yonkou without Luffy?

    Imagine if Shanks is against Luffy but Luffy doesn't want to fight Shanks, so the other SHs fight him instead and beat him. Maybe Zoro, since they're both sword users.
  5. Warmmedown

    Current Usopp vs Water 7 Luffy

    Do you think he would be likely to beat that Luffy now, under the same circumstances as the Water 7 fight?
  6. Warmmedown

    Kid vs Zoro and Franky

    Do the SHs stand a chance?
  7. Warmmedown

    Superman vs you

    Who wins
  8. Warmmedown

    Which SHs do you think got stronger between Fishman Island and Wano?

    How much is that they got stronger and how much is that they just hadn't revealed their new level yet? Like, obviously Zoro hadn't had a chance to go all out yet.
  9. Warmmedown

    Hit vs Dyspo

    Does Hit one shot
  10. Warmmedown

    Hit vs Ribrianne

  11. Warmmedown

    Oars vs Strawhats (as of Wano Country Arc)

    At Thriller Bark they needed the whole crew. 1. What's the least number of Strawhats that could defeat Oars now? Who would the team consist of? 2. What's the weakest team of Strawhats that could beat Oars?
  12. Warmmedown

    Cyborg Tao vs these

    1 - Tao vs Yajirobe (King Damaio Saga) 2- Tao vs Tenshinhan (22nd budokai) 3 - Tao vs Yajirobe and Tenshinhan 4 - Tao vs Yajirobe, Tenshinhan and Goku (22nd Budokai)

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I am going to soon depart this world (most likely not because I don’t have the guts), so please for my legacy to continue…
Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.