This will mark the first of many DBZeta interviews. The first person to be interviewed was the big kahuna, @SSJ2!
1) When/Why did you join forums for the first...
Which concept that's in Dragonball/Z do you find the most fascinating, and why? It could literally be any concept that was introduced in the entire franchise.
Out of all of the characters in the franchise of Dragonball/Z, which single character is the most "alien" life form out of them all? "Alien" refers to as foreign, strange, otherworldly, and transcendental.
Would Vegeta have managed to kill Goku, and the Z fighters, if he were the one to actually arrive on Earth during the same time that Raditz initially did?
What would happen if none of the characters could be resurrected? Once a character dies, they are gone forever from the story. How would the story have changed?