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  1. Sovran Nila

    What If The Show Was Sexualized More Than It Already Was?

    How different would Draognball Z have been if the entire show was much more overly sexualized?
  2. Sovran Nila

    What If All Of The Main Protagonists Were Female?

    What if main protagonists, like Goku and Vegeta, were female rather than male. Would the impact of Dragonball Z have been different?
  3. Sovran Nila

    What's Your Favorite Movie Title?

    Out of all of the movies spanning from the entire franchise of Dragonball, which movie title is your favorite, and why?
  4. Sovran Nila

    Is Digimon Better Than Dragonball Z?

    Objectively speaking, is Digimon is a better show than Dragonball Z? Why, or why not?
  5. Sovran Nila

    How Many Different Times Have Chharacters Received A Haircut?

    Throughout the entire franchise of Dragonball/Z, how many different, total times have characters received a haircut?
  6. Sovran Nila

    Who Is The Most Useless Character Of Them All?

    From the entire franchise o Dragonball/Z, which single character is the most useless of them all?
  7. Sovran Nila

    Who Is Your Favorite Minor Role Villain?

    From the entire franchise of Draognball/Z, which villain, that played a minor role, do you like the most? Why this villain in particular?
  8. Sovran Nila

    Which Character Has The Most Majestic Beard?

    Out of all of the characters in the entire franchise of Dragonball/Z, which character has the most majestic beard?
  9. Sovran Nila

    Monster Carrot VS. Oolong & Puar

    Who would win in a fight between the following characters? 1) Monster Carrot 2) Oolong & Puar
  10. Sovran Nila

    Who Is Your Favorite New DBS Villain?

    Which new villain from Dragonball Super do you like the most, and why? (I haven't read the manga past TOP, and I haven't watched the new movie. I have seen spoilers of the characters, though.)
  11. Sovran Nila

    Is Broly Going To Acquire An "Ultra" Type Of Transformation?

    Is Broly going to follow suit and acquire some type of new "ultra" transformation like Goku and Vegeta?
  12. Sovran Nila

    How Long Do The Forms Of Ultra Instinct, Ultra Ego, And Black Last For?

    Goku's ultra instinct, Vegeta's ultra ego, and Frieza's black transformation, how long do they last for?
  13. Sovran Nila

    How Many Carrots Has Monster Carrot Eaten?

    How many total carrots has Monster Carrot eaten in Dragonball?
  14. Sovran Nila

    Who Is Your Favorite Red Headed Female From DBZ?

    Out of all of the red headed females in DBZ, which one is your favorite?
  15. Sovran Nila

    The Word "Saiyan" Was Literally Conjured Up From The Word "Vegetable?"

    "For example, the one in control of the Saiyans and other villainous aliens is Frieza. Strictly speaking, Frieza is “freezer”, but I envisioned a refrigerator when I named him. So, I grouped the names according to foods that go inside it. The Saiyans are vegetables [yasai, “vegetables”], and the...
  16. Sovran Nila

    Who Is The Oldest Living Human In The World Of DBZ?

    Which human character was confirmed to be the oldest living human being in the world of DBZ?
  17. Sovran Nila

    What Is Garlic Jr.'s Transformation Called?

    What is the name of the form that Garlic Jr. transforms into?
  18. Sovran Nila

    What Gender Is Chiaotzu?

    Is it confirmed which gender Chiaotzu is?
  19. Sovran Nila

    What Is Tien's Third Eye Supposed To Signify?

    What is the meaning behind Tien's third eye? Why does he have one? Are there any other characters that have a third eye?
  20. Sovran Nila

    Would Dragonball Z Be The Same If It Was Never Dubbed?

    If Dragonball Z was never dubbed, would it still be the same? Would it still have the same impact that it did?

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Nixon was really a mixed bag of a human being and a President. I do admire him for his intellect and breadth of foreign policy knowledge.
Ho Chi Minh was based