Search results

  1. Sovran Nila

    Which Character Has The Strangest Looking Hair?

    In the entire franchise of Dragonball/Z, which character has the weirdest hair?
  2. Sovran Nila

    What Does The Typical Saiyan's Diet Consist Of?

    What do Saiyans eat? What does the Standard Saiyan Diet look like?
  3. Sovran Nila

    Kenshi VS. Mystic & Yoshi

    Who would win in a fight between: 1) @Kenshi VS. 2) @Mystic & @Yoshi
  4. Sovran Nila

    2023 DBZeta Fitness Challenge

    Let's partake in an interesting challenge, that may result with a prize, or two. For 2023, challenge yourself to become fit. It could be as simple as losing weight and leaning out, or it could be as complex as burning fat and building as much muscle naturally as possible. Whoever has the most...
  5. Sovran Nila

    Who Would You Rather Be Killed By?

    Who would you rather be killed by, and why?
  6. Sovran Nila

    Will You Trade Pokemon As A Senior?

    When you're over 65 years of age, will you still trade Pokemon?

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I am going to soon depart this world (most likely not because I don’t have the guts), so please for my legacy to continue…