When Blackbeard learned about Luffy's one hundred millions berries bounty the fansubs translated it as "I suspected 30 millions was too low for his ambition", but VIZ has it as "he didn't look like he was even worth 30 million..."
So which one is accurate? Blackbeard initially thought 30...
Vivi said they are in charged of disposing of the agents who fail. But how'd they deal with someone as strong as Mr. 1 or 2 when Sanji easily took care of them in Little Garden?
The ones showed so far... whose history do you like more? Now that I'm rereading OP, Chopper's history seems pretty cool, I think my favorite one, although I haven't seen Sanji's yet.
In a place with accurate translations (e.g VIZ) but with the quality scans not so good, or in a place with pretty good quality scans but shitty translations?
Rereading the chapter where old Man ends to unlock Gohan's power past to its limits. Before the "it's just like turning Super Saiyan" power up, Gohan seemed to share all the characteristics of himself before the power up, like a less mature face and lack of outlined eyes. He just showed such...