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  1. ahill1

    What was Vegeta and Goku referring to here?

    Were they referring the simple SSJ2 or some enranged form on top of the Super Saiyan 2? What's supposed to be Gohan getting angry?
  2. ahill1

    Pui Pui vs Freeza

    Who wins?
  3. ahill1

    Show me your gaps for

    Gohan SSJ2 (Cell Games) Super Perfect Cell pre Majin Vegeta SSJ2
  4. ahill1

    Dragon Ball - anime vs manga

    Which do you enjoy more?
  5. ahill1

    ahill1's DBZ final power levels

    The format was totally inspired by @Mike's list. The credit goes for him Saiyans Saga Arrival of Raditz Roshi ~base : 60 ~buff form : 139 Chaozu post 5 years of 'not so hard' training ~full power : 145 Yajirobe ~full power : 145 Yamcha post 5 years of 'not so hard' training ~full...
  6. ahill1


    How strong is him?
  7. ahill1

    Yajirobe (first appearance) vs Tambourine

    Who wins?
  8. ahill1

    Pan vs Android #18

    That's pan from GT. Sorry if that's a noob question, but I have little to no knowledge about GT and would like to see the outcome of this battle.
  9. ahill1

    Gohan SSJ (vs Freeza reborn) vs Gotenks SSJ3 (Boo arc)

    Who wins?
  10. ahill1

    Warm up MSSJ Goku/warm up Perfect Cell

    How strong were them in their warming up fight? Many people believe MSSJ Goku warm up ~ Perfect Cell warm up >>> Vegeta SSJG2, but let's look at it: Cell describes his warm up fight as the level he initially used against Vegeta SSJG2, which was said to be still inferior to this latter by #16...
  11. ahill1

    SSJ's multiplier

    What's your SSJ's multiplier? Did it change through the series? Decreased? Increased?
  12. ahill1

    Super Saiyajin 4 vs Super Saiyajin God/Blue

    Which do you like more?
  13. ahill1

    Base kid Trunks vs Vegeta SSJ (Androids saga)

  14. ahill1

    A doubt

    Why was future Trunks' (from Cell's timeline) time machine programmed to travel to the main timeline? I mean, if Cell didn't kill him, then there'd be two Trunks in the main timeline, no?
  15. ahill1

    Super Saiyan sick Goku

    I already made more than one topic with this subject, but I'm still on the fence about it. How strong is him? Stronger than his Yardrat self? Frankly speaking, there're arguments for him being really strong, like > his Yardrat self, as there are points for him not being that strong. So, discuss.
  16. ahill1

    Android 19 vs One Piece

    Could the fat android solo the one piece world?
  17. ahill1

    Dabura vs FPSSJ Goku (Cell Games)

    Who wins? Goku is aware of Dabura's saliva.
  18. ahill1

    If you could re-write all power levels given in the Guidebooks

    If you could re-write all of the power levels given in the guidebooks and turn it official, which would be yours? I'm sure you could do a better job :D Mine: Tsuru-sennin : 120 Chi-Chi (23rd Budokai) : 130 Roshi (22nd Budokai) : 139 Tenshinhan (22nd Budokai) : 180 Son Goku (22nd Budokai)...
  19. ahill1

    Current Zoro vs Current Sabo

    I know Sabo probably wins, but would Zoro give him a good fight?
  20. ahill1

    Did Freeza increase his power when blocking Goku's Kamehameha?

    Or he just kept his 50% power?

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