The lowest Boo goes up vs the Cell Saga. Everyone from that Saga at their highest, including villains and any techniques like Genki-Dama included too.
Who wins?
I know most people'd say Boo, but :cena :cena :cena
...even remembered Raditz by name, when he said Gohan could be his son? Why would he give a fack? He didn't even bother to know Bardock's name and Raditz is one among thousands in his army as far as power-levels were concerned. :donovan3 :donovan3 :donovan3
Unlike DragonBall Super, DragonBall Z had tons of great powering-up sequences. Which ones were your favourites or thought were the best? This doesn't only go for transformations. Ginyu powering-up in Goku with the golden aura surrounding him or Goku powering-up for Ginyu or Goku powering-up for...
And maybe Budokai 2 too (I never played that).
Where there's not a separate slot for the character, but it's a skill you can use mid-battle and they can fuse. The fusions usually were much higher than most anyone-else in the game, but for fusion dance only a very limited time even more-so if...
I forget how to land when I get hit. How to reduce damage when I land when I get hit and there's millions of other commands. I don't know how to do the Supers. How can anyone actually master this game? Does anyone remember half of it or do they just do their combo?
I always see anime supporters saying the manga nerfs everyone and that everyone is low in the manga but the truth is they are not. It's just the manga treats the powers with respect.
If you look at it, every new transformation got its shine in the manga in some-way.
SSj God was used against...
He beat-up Mira, but he somehow seemed to be just beating-up on him the whole fight without any real difference besides forms changing. :donovan3 :donovan3 :donovan3