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  1. Fantastische Hure

    This the chain?

    Future Gohan (post-Arm-loss) >~/~ Future Androids >>> Future Gohan >/>~ Future #17 > Future #18 ??? For the TV-Special of-course.
  2. Fantastische Hure

    Why is DB-Super so sexist?

    You got two women Super-Saiyans after decades of not having any at all, and then they are both weaker than Goku. What happened to girl power? Toei you facks.
  3. Fantastische Hure

    Has DragonBall Super soured you on DragonBall?

    I think the show kind-of did for me. I can't look at DragonBall the same again. All I think of is this shit-show kind-of. Almost ruined the legacy of the old DragonBall in a way, don't you agree?
  4. Fantastische Hure

    Sasuke (End of Part 1) vs Zabuza

    I don't know how to start this shit...
  5. Fantastische Hure

    In your opinion...

    ...should new saga minions always be > previous saga big-bad?
  6. Fantastische Hure

    Mamoru Hosada interview on the first two Digimon Movies.

  7. Fantastische Hure

    How strong is Dr. Uiro?

    I think at best around Saiyan-Saga Vegeta. Probably less.
  8. Fantastische Hure

    Most climatic and anti-climatic villain defeats in history?

    DragonBall - Gohan defeats Cell (say no more) One-Piece - Luffy defeats Crocodile (EPIC) I'm mostly going off anime since things like music can help a lot too to make the victory feel Epic (see One-Piece above). For anti-climatic I can't really think of anything. What you say?
  9. Fantastische Hure

    Is One-Piece the greatest adventure story ever told?

    Purely from an adventure-perspective. I can't think of anything that can top this.
  10. Fantastische Hure

    Did Johan commit suicide at the end of Monster?

    OK, so I couldn't help myself so I spoiled myself. I really am a facking idiot. Whatever though... Did he?
  11. Fantastische Hure

    Berserk is disguisting

    Seriously how can people stomach this sheeeeet. :wtf :wtf :wtf
  12. Fantastische Hure

    What did you gais think of "False" Super-Saiyan?

    What? I thought that was bad. Has nothing on the real Super-Saiyan. Not even comparable. But anyway what you think?
  13. Fantastische Hure

    Sceptile vs Greninja

    Who wins? :troll :troll :troll
  14. Fantastische Hure

    Wait Shueisha is reprinting old Weekly-Shounen-Jump Issues?

    For their 50th anniversary? Why did no-one tell me? Assholes. :omg :omg :omg復刻版-週刊少年ジャンプ-パック-3-集英社ムック/dp/4081022402
  15. Fantastische Hure

    Hit stronger than Toppo?

    Jiren said he's got rid of all the people he needed to. Somehow didn't even bother with Vegeta (isn't he supposed to be equal to Goku?) or Freeza.
  16. Fantastische Hure

    Are the Shichibukais like...

    the God of Destructions to the Yonko's Angels or Zenō? Can someone explain the hierarchy to me? This interested me, but I lost track of the story (because of stupid television people) long ago. And if so how come Crocodile was one of them? He got defeated fairly early-on.
  17. Fantastische Hure

    Top 3 Favourite Series

    Can be a franchise too. For me, probably (if I'm not forgetting anything): DragonBall Captain-Tsubasa One-Piece Doesn't have to be objectively the best, just your personal favourites.
  18. Fantastische Hure

    Why did Masako Nozawa...

    ...use her Goten voice for Goku here? Kid Goku sounded different or has it been so long she can't do that anymore?

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