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  1. ahill1

    Were there android #19 and #20 in future Trunks' timeline?

    What do you think?
  2. ahill1

    Good Boo and Mr. Boo --> are they the same?

    Are Good Boo [the one who fought Grey Boo] and Mr. Boo [the one who fought Kid Boo] the same, as in possessing the same strength?
  3. ahill1

    Is #17 in SSJB Goku's level?

    The YouTubers from my country openly disagreeded with it, saying it was only Goku testing his strength, basically a training and, therefore, it isn't enough to gauge #17's strength according to this. It wasn't a serious fight, just a test, then it isn't to be taken at face value. Do you agree...
  4. ahill1

    Pre RoSaT Super Saiyans

    While there're quite a lot of evidences suggesting the strongest Super Saiyan (Vegeta from the androids saga) is way strongest than Namek SSJ Goku, sometimes the narrative seems to suggest the SSJs are all close in power, like if were a fixed plateau of power. Vegeta, for instance, says they are...
  5. ahill1

    Mutaito vs Drum

    Who wins?
  6. ahill1

    Herms debates about Kaioshin

    I found Herms debating about Kaioshin (honestly, the first time I've seen him engaging in a strength debate):
  7. ahill1

    Kaioshin - how do you explain?

    How do you explain Kaioshin not being "too flabbergasted" by Gohan SSJ2 in the Budokai, still with a cheerful face and only noting he is stronger than he thought... while at base Vegeta later on he was flabbergasted, sweating, saying they can't be that strong, that he never thought of this...
  8. ahill1

    Goku base (beginning of GT) vs Gotenks Base (post RoSaT)

    Goku in base after finishing his training with Oob vs base Gotenks after his RoSaT trip.
  9. ahill1

    Majin Boo's chi is like a lie

    Chapter: 476 (DBZ 282), P10.5-8 Piccolo: “Goku…There’s something I want to ask you while I’ve got the chance…[ ] …That Super Saiyan 3 thing earlier…if you had gone all-out, wouldn’t you have been able to defeat Majin Boo?...How about it, am I wrong?” Goku: “Nah, I don’t know…When it comes to...
  10. ahill1

    Kaioshin vs Yakon

    Who wins?
  11. ahill1

    Kids vs Adults

    Chapter: 453 (DBZ 259), P9.2-7 Context: as Trunks and Goten fight No.18 in their Mighty Mask costume No.18: “…He really is a weird bastard…His arms and legs are extremely small for his body…And he’s so unusually strong…” *they become Super Saiyans* No.18: “!!” Trunks: “Either way, we’re at a...
  12. ahill1

    Can this be used to...

    Can this be used to justify Cell Games Gohan being significantly above Cell Games Goku? Goku: “How about it, Gohan? Did you think that dad and Cell’s fight just now was too incredible and you couldn’t keep up?” Gohan: “N-no, I didn’t think so…But neither of you were fighting all-out, right…!?”...
  13. ahill1

    Tiers (Cell Games and Boo Saga)

    1 - SSJ Goku [Boo saga] and post Majin SSJ Vegeta 2 - SSJ Gohan [Cell Games] and Perfect Cell [all out speed] 3 - SSJ Vegeta [pre Majin] 4 - Dabra, Gohan SSJ [Boo saga] and Perfect Cell [vs Goku] 5 - Goku SSJ [Cell Games] Agree or disagree?
  14. ahill1

    Dragon Ball Z Anime Translations

    So I did a new topic about it so me and SuperSaiyan2 can edit it. Already including Fearless' translations: RADITZ SAGA Chapter: 195 (DBZ 1), P5.3 Raditz: "Your battle power is a mere five, huh?... Piece of trash!" Chapter: 195 (DBZ 1), P7.1 Raditz: "There's somebody with a great power...
  15. ahill1

    JP Anime Translations

    Ok, I am starting the project p123 proposed. If anyone wants to help, feel free. Mods, is there a way to make this thread in a way that everyone can edit the OP? Don't worry if not. P, I am using the Z anime here man. We aren't sure if the Kai portion in the Kissanime was made by Steve...
  16. ahill1

    Goku vs Cell

    Let's talk about the fight. Initially we have a warm up which seems rather evenly. Nobody is taking an advantage and they seem rather nonchalant about it, like not even using any effort at all. Then Goku make a KMHMH to distract Cell and punch him into the back, to which Cell is really angry. He...
  17. ahill1

    Controversial issue #1 --> Vegeta SSJ and Android #18

    Do you think they are equal, far apart or in a mid term? Discuss. I'll get more into the topic tomorrow when I have more time. I'll start creating controversial topics, but won't create another after this until we have an answer for it.
  18. ahill1

    Mr. Satan vs some animals

    AT said in an interview that Mr. Satan might be < Bob Sapp. Bob Sapp is really strong and tall (almost 7 feets), but do you think he could take out a Gorilla for example? What about the Saber tooth tiger Kuririn took out while training with Roshi? If no, then Mr. Satan should also be way weaker...
  19. ahill1

    Goku (beginning of Dragon Ball) vs T-Rex

    Could Goku beat a T-Rex?
  20. ahill1

    Piccolo vs Cell

    The Cell who tooled Vegeta SSJG2. Cell Games Piccolo. Who wins?

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