Based on the final form of starters, aesthetics only, which is your least favourite gen?
It's your opinion, so there's no right answer, but if it's different than mine I will hate you forever.
Scenario 1 Goal is survival for as long as possible
Scenario 2 Goal is to win, to the death
You are fighting someone who it 80% as strong as you without the fruit. You get 10 knives, two daggers, a metal pole and a sword.
Has to be a fruit that was in the manga, although you can name an anime...
2 questions, since everyone here seems to be into Pokemon at the moment. 1\13rd5. (Nerds)
1. What's best out of Platinum, BW2 and White? I played White already (read spoilers so never finished it, because the plot with N as a villain was the best part) and I wasn't that impressed.
2. Also I...
I don't mean what you love, but the series which defined anime for the last decade. The type of stuff non-anime fans would be encouraged to start with even years after later. The kind of series you might even see on mainstream TV and I don't mean kids' channels. The series you'd recommend to...
Who is the often-forgotten Zesmond?
I'm his own words:
According to the official biography:
Oh thanks, glad that cleared it up for us.
Fights I can remember where Goku was hungry:
Goku vs Yamcha (stopped when Yamcha got scared by Bulma)
Goku vs Tambourine in the sky
Goku vs Unarmed Yajirobe
How much does his power drop by?
Or you could think of it as, which of wins would become losses while hungry:
21st Budokai Goku vs 21st...
Manga under 90 chapters
Anime under 30 episodes
Old or new
Stuff I've recently watched/read and liked:
Neon Genesis
Mob Psycho
Outlaw Star
Tullece after having his last meal (RIP wasted hero looks) vs:
1. Gohan (as he was against 2nd form freeza), Gohan gets one rage boost)
2. Vegeta (vs 2nd form Freeza)
3. Piccolo (weighted clothing)
4. Piccolo (stripped)
5. 3rd Form Freeza
In the anime, against Buu they say energy will be collected from the entire universe, but then Vegeta goes on about giving energy to the person (Goku) who's saved them all before. Most of the universe wouldn't know what the fuck he's talking about. And why would the rest of the universe not just...
I never knew he was already that old. It makes sense now I think about it (seeing as he'd already written Dr Slump and most mangaka I think start out as an assistant).
Well? apparently caulifla vs goku and vegito vs zamasu are two of the best fights. Both utter shit just going rahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and punching in the same place over and over, talking, throwing a beam. There are better fights in the Buu Saga, better fights in fucking amateur mma in...
Gero thought A19 would be strong enough to kill Goku, because he had only seen Goku up to the end of his fight with Vegeta. It seems he'd actually sat down and calculated how strong to make A19 based on Goku's pre-Namek fights, rather than just going with some arbitrary level of strength, since...