Search results

  1. Warmmedown

    Which movie villain do you think would be the best to have a movie or arc about, with them as the protagonist

    I think truffle scientist. Must suck to have all your planet killed (ask Vegeta, but at least saiyans got screen time), could make a great angry protagonist. Would focus more on him adventuring trying to find ways to create hatchyak and track down the saiyans, while trying to survive - with only...
  2. Warmmedown

    Which movie villain do you think would be the best to make a series story arc about (with them as villain) - not Broly

    I'd say Lord Slug. Fighting a giant would be different, plus Piccolo could get more focus. Other one would be hatchyak/the tuffle scientist guy. Could have just the movie stretched out or have a story where the saiyans/humans go to find some other truffles and they team up (using tuffle...
  3. Warmmedown

    Who's the strongest character Ranfan could beat?

    Who - who - who who (bonus points if you know the song)
  4. Warmmedown

    who did you think would join the crew but didn't? obv dont read it you dont wanna know who's in

    Trying to predict this was always something that made the show more interesting. I'm lucky I mostly went through OP blind to spoilers (managed to avoid inconsiderate retards who post spoilers everywhere. You know who you are). Personally I fully expected Paulie (rope guy in Water 7) to join the...
  5. Warmmedown

    Bora vs Pamput (22nd budokai boxer)

    who wins rd 1- no spears rd 2 - spears rd 3 - spears and guns
  6. Warmmedown

    Ribrianne vs Gohan, also Freeza

    Ribrianne vs Gohan (ToP) heal then vs Freeza (Tournie of powa)
  7. Warmmedown

    Gregory vs Babidi vs arla giant

    bug fight
  8. Warmmedown

    Icarus vs Bear Thief

    in a fight, NHB
  9. Warmmedown

    Bora vs 21st Budokai Yamcha

    They fight, who probs wins? Bora can use his spear.
  10. Warmmedown

    top 5 to 10 moments that made you most sad from db/z

    1. Kid Goku meets Grandpa Gohan again 2. Vegeta's death on Namek (esp English, but Japo too) 3. Krillin first death 4. Piccolo first death 5. Chazou/Tenshinhan death 6. Krillin 2nd death 7. Everyone thinks Gohan died 8. A16 death 9. Vegeta realises he's final form Freeza's bitch 10. Trunks finds...
  11. Warmmedown

    TV Special 2 and 4

    Has anyone seen either of these? I was pretty shocked to find out they even existed, just now. Apparently neither was ever released for home video.
  12. Warmmedown

    Strongest equal PL fusion?

    Which two unused characters do you think would have the strongest Potara fusion, if all PLs were equal? edit: Kamiccolo counts as unfused edit: I feel like it's difficult to predict what the fusions would be capable of, because in the case of Gotenks he has techniques that are far more...
  13. Warmmedown

    Shin (Dorohedoro) vs Wolverine

    who wins
  14. Warmmedown

    maguyver vs knight rider vs colombo vs Magnum PI vs Hutch

    battle of the retro detectives
  15. Warmmedown

    How far through the RRA do Yamcha, Krillin, Oolong, Puar and Bulma get?

    If those in the title went against the RRA post-21st BudokaiT instead of Goku, how far could they get? What if you add Chiatzou?
  16. Warmmedown

    Do styles still make fights in One Piece?

    In early One Piece there wasn't a linear progression of fighting strength, since some DFs or styles of fighting could be countered by other particular styles or abilities (eg Enel effortlessly beating everyone but Luffy, including Zoro and Wiper who were able to compete with Luffy; Luffy's reach...
  17. Warmmedown

    rishi (db super( vs ssj Vegito buu ssaahsa

    is toshi sytrong enoygj?
  18. Warmmedown

    is zeno zen-oh xen-oh xen-o xeno zen-o zxenoh zenoh xenoh evil

  19. Warmmedown

    Vince McMahon vs Ed McMahon

    Who is the victor
  20. Warmmedown

    Do you think anyone else could get Conqueror's in the SHs?

    I think Usopp getting it might make sense, since as one of the physically weaker characters he's demonstrated some of the highest strength of will in the series - Arlong Arc, Arabasta, vs Franky Family, but his direct opposition of Luffy in Water 7 is what really sets him apart from the strong...

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