I think this is the safe place to talk about it.
Now that @Southern Gothic is retired by the Undertaker, who do you think can be a potentially new mod? :idk
The one where Piccolo challenged Vegeta into a fight?
The one where Goku and Vegeta at the tournament on the first round?
The one where Vegeta challenged Gohan for the tournament.
Piccolo was aware that Kaioshin is a godly being because of Kami's influence and Kaioshin confirmed this.
Noticed that how Kaioshin mentioned about his identity, plus Piccolo asked him whether he was a Kaioshin or not which again proves why Piccolo forfeited against him.
Just look at his...
After reading the entire arc in a day, I noticed just how huge this guy's ego. Just look at these scans where he was overrating himself.
5. After Cell kicked his ass, he still won't shut his mouth.