I've noted some interesting things about his strength:
Chapter: 444 (DBZ 250), P7.1-4
Gohan: “Well, I’ve become a Super Saiyan. Now what? Is it alright if I fight like this?”
Kibito: “…Wh-what tremendous power…I can’t believe he’s a being of the lower world!”
Vegeta: “…Hmph…That bastard, he was...
Someone called Vertical at DBZF made a pretty good point about Vegeta being actually above 18,000 on Earth:
I'll post it here considering maybe someone doesn't have the time to read the thread (*cough cough SuperSaiyan2)
"Ceaselessly" hardly seems...
Look at the points made in this thread:
Gohan turned SSJ in GT, whereas turning SSJ would give him no benefits after Elder Kaioshin power up in DBZ.
Due to the Piccolo and Vegeta's react to Freeza's final transformation I'd think it should be an even bigger of a boost than 1st form to 2nd form. Vegeta, for instance, saw how much Freeza's 1st transformation boost was, yet was pretty shocked when he saw Freeza's final form, sweating and with 2...
When not using full power, Hit could effortlessly defeat Vegeta SSJ Blue, even though the latter could only fight with 10% of his real Blue power, as stated by Whis:
Ch. 13, pg. 18.6
Context: As Hit’s time skips appear to be shorter than before
Whis: "When he [Vegeta] went Blue during his...
Were they weaker than Saiyan Saga Vegeta? They probably didn't know about how strong Vegeta got on planet Namek, all they knew was that the Saiyan was a lot stronger than Nappa. Yet they were pretty surprised with Freeza killing Vegeta easily:
The Great Elder said Kami-Sama was a prodigy of the Dragon Clan when Kuririn took Dende to his house:
Chapter: 265, P.10
Context: talking to Kuririn
Great Elder: "It must have been the child of Katatz [Kami-Sama]. I'm surprised... I'd not have thought an infant could have traveled safely so far...
I know most of you guys will say Kame Sen'nin has this in the bag, but think about this for a moment:
Goku concluded Yajirobe was the toughest guy he has ever met after this latter endured his beatdown unharmed. This should place the level Goku used against Yajirobe on a level where let's say...
Goku seemed to think Yajirobe was Tamb's ally, so there would be no much point in holding back against him. Besides, Goku concluded Yajirobe was the toughest guy he ever met, which seems a bit strange if Goku only attacked him at his match level or so.
On the other hand, Yajirobe was impressed...
It's said in the CP9 saga that a normal marine has 10 of douriki and Luffy said that Sanji is worthy 1,000 of mens. Taking it literally, his Douriki would be 10,000.
Unless this isn't meant to be taken literally and it's just...
Moriah apparently rivaled Kaido at some point. Do you think Moriah was really strong in the past, with enough power to rival a Yonkou or Kaido was just that "weak"?