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  1. ahill1

    Battle against Vegeta and Nappa

    Son Goku: 8,000 -- Kaioken x2: -- Kaioken x3: -- Kaioken x4: -- injured: Vegeta: 18,000 -- Galick Gun: -- after the Kamehameha: -- after the artificial moon: -- Oozaru: -- after Oozaru: -- after Genki-Dama Son Gohan: -- injured: Kuririn: -- Genkidama: -- injured: Yajirobe:
  2. ahill1

    The Saiyajins

    Post here your power levels for the Raditz' arrival and discuss them: Son Goku: 334 -- without weights : 408 ----- Kamehameha: 924 Raditz: -- injured: Piccolo: 322 -- without weights: 408 ----- Makankosappo: 1,330 ----- second Makankosappo: -- after training 6 months: Son Gohan: 1 --...
  3. ahill1

    Dan Dan Kokoro Hikareteku

    MewGAesafl0 Does someone else get sad when listening to this? I do :gay :gay
  4. ahill1

    Was Semi Cell trying to kill #18?

    #16 said Semi Cell's chi blasts had strength enough to NOT kill #18, because he wants to abosrb her above anything else, but then Cell says this: Chapter: 375 (DBZ 181), P13.1 Context: threatening to destroy the island No.18 is hiding on Cell: “I’m not bluffing! You’re probably thinking that...
  5. ahill1

    Gohan vs Goten - saprring session

    What do you think of the argument that they aren't close since it was just a sparring match, and sparring isn't a serious fight?
  6. ahill1

    Guts [age 15] vs Gambino

    Guts right before entering in the band of the Hawk, the one who defeated that Basuso guy who would have defeated a bear without any weapons. Does Guts already possess the strength to defeat his old mentor?
  7. ahill1

    The Rivalry Boost

    Old Kai, after scooling Kibitoshin from thinking the Potara was the only reason for Vegetto being so awesome, also said "what's more, they are rivals... that's definitely the strongest...". What if this "they are rivals" is relaed to them being close in power rather than trying to outdo each...
  8. ahill1

    Base Vegetto vs Ultimate Gohan

    Who wins? Vegetto can't transform.
  9. ahill1

    Dragon Ball Wiki

    Is the DB Wiki reliable? Or just a piece of trash?
  10. ahill1

    Kamiccolo's boost

    Does it have to be 2x? Saichoro said he diminished by half the genius power he was gifted at birth. It screams potential to me
  11. ahill1

    Guts vs Zoro

    Guts from Berserk. Which version of Zoro would take to beat Guts from Berserk? Could Zoro from the very first arc defeat him? Make a general comparison about their strength in different times of the story, please.
  12. ahill1

    Why even after turning into a SSJ, Trunks couldn't dispose of #18...

    in a hand to hand combat? Trunks could at least throw a punch in the costume and defend a few of her punches, but as soon as they turned into SSJs and got 50x stronger they still couldn't accomplish much in a hand to hand combat?
  13. ahill1

    Original Kamiccolo's power

    How strong would be Katatz's son right before spliting? We have some clues for this. Firstly, Kami did say he was a simple, brilliant fighter back then, right before spliting: Chapter 164. P.8 Context: Kami-sama talking about himself before spliting Kami-sama: "Piccolo and I were one. A single...
  14. ahill1

    Can Nappa and Vegeta control their Battle Powers?

    If not, then what did they do on Earth?
  15. ahill1

    Did mastering SSJB also increase Goku's power?

    By the way Vegeta described it, I feel it was just Goku not losing any power, rather than being stronger than a hypothetical 100% SSJB.
  16. ahill1

    Cell powered up like Son Gohan

    What if it means Cell's boost was = Gohan's? Then we'd have Gohan (final rage boost) >> SPC >> Gohan SSJ2, right? Some people interpret it like Cell had a huge jump in power just like Gohan also did. But I think that'd be the case if there was a (,). If he said "I huge powered up, like Son...
  17. ahill1

    Gap between Old Piccolo Daimao and Piccolo Junior

    What's your gap between them? I can see it as high as 20~30x.
  18. ahill1

    Some issue with Roshi vs Tenshinhan

    Tenshinhan said Goku saved his life after deflecting Roshi's KMHMH. But Roshi said in the 22nd Budokai that the KMHMH doesn't affect Tenshinhan, no matter how big it is. Another inconsistency?
  19. ahill1

    Here's a interview with Toyotaro

    Ti89i2EZjWE I found interesting to post it here!
  20. ahill1

    SSJ transformations

    So SSJ, SSJ2 and SSJ3 transformation can be unlocked via rage or training? It seemed the current theme for unlocking SSJ1 was through rage: Goku did it in Namek, Vegeta said he couldn't unlock it until he felt a great amount of rage towards his lack of success, and Goku said Gohan had to get...

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