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  1. ahill1

    Dragon Ball fights

    Let's trace some comparisons regarding some fights in early Dragon Ball. Let's find the appropriate gap for them: 1) General Blue vs Krillin Fight: General Blue seems to be kicking Kuririn's ass pretty effortlessly. Kuririn can't believe how strong he is and the damage dealt by him is...
  2. ahill1

    Saibaimen, Raditz and Yamcha

    What are your number for them? Yamcha at the Saibaimens fight, of course.
  3. ahill1

    Boo Saga Battle Powers

    Power Levels solely for the Boo Saga. Multipliers ..Super Saiyajin - 10x base (2x base for fusions) ..Super Saiyajin 2 - 20x base ..Super Saiyajin 3 - 80x base 25th Tenkaichi Budokai Gohan ::Base - 500,000,000 ::Super Saiyajin - 5,000,000,000 ::Super Saiyajin 2 - 10,000,000,000 Goten...
  4. ahill1

    Piccolo vs Vegeta - a side by side comparison

    >>> - way stronger >> - considerably stronger > - just stronger/ distant rivals >= - slightly stronger/ close rivals ----------------------------------- Saiyajin Saga Vegeta >>> Piccolo Freeza Saga part 1 (post Nail Piccolo, pre Zenkai Vegeta) Piccolo >>> Vegeta Freeza Saga part 2 (post...
  5. ahill1

    Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titans)

    Is there someone here who watched it and reads the manga? If so, is it good?
  6. ahill1

    All you need to know about the Boo saga [until Fat Boo was "revived"]

    Gohan has enjoyed peace for 7 years, making him considerably weaker than his Cell Games counter part, so much so that he's struggling against a Cell level opponent [Dabura], to whom he shouldn't have this much trouble with. Vegeta and Goku, on the other hand, have powered up quite a lot, so much...
  7. ahill1

    Majin Spopovich vs Orin Temple Bully

    That tall bald guy who used to bully Kuririn in the Orin Temple vs Majin Spopovich. Who wins?
  8. ahill1

    Android #16 vs Papoye

    Who wins?
  9. ahill1

    Vegeta (vs jheese)

    How strong was him? I think he could get as strong as 500k, but opted to raise his power to around 250k.
  10. ahill1

    SSJ Goku (suppressed vs yakon) vs Piccolo (Boo saga)

    Who wins?
  11. ahill1

    Fight Comparison 2.0

    So, inspired by p123's thread, let's pick up some fights we think look similar dominance level wise. Or it can be a close fight too. You guys could also suggest fights so we can compare it and have an accurate percentile list. I'll start with one: Obs: Is it okay to put up a lot of scans? I...
  12. ahill1

    SSJ2's multiplier

    What's your multiplier for SSJ2?
  13. ahill1

    power level list with a 10x SSJ multiplier

    I'll make Namek SSJ Goku 150,000,000 just for simplicity's sake Mecha Freeza saga King Cold 80,000,000 Mecha Freeza (suppressed) 80,000,000 ~full power 155,000,000 Trunks 4,000,000 ~SSJ 200,000,000 Son Goku 4,400,000 ~SSJ 220,000,000 Androids saga - now with 10x multiplier Android #19...
  14. ahill1

    Was #18 going all out vs Mighty Mask?

    Some interesting points I noticed that might lead to #18 still holding back a bit: After firing a blast (that wasn't at full power), #18 seems to be completely **** at their powers, basically saying "I didn't think they were so strong...!". They displaying strength moderately superior to...
  15. ahill1

    Nekomamushi vs Doflamingo

    vs Both are in perfect conditions. Who wins?
  16. ahill1

    Vegeta SSJ vs Trunks SSJ androids saga [gap]

    If Vegeta was a 100, what would be Trunks? Both in the androids saga. Honestly, there are good points either for Vegeta being a good deal stronger than Trunks or for them being at the same level: Vegeta >> Trunks 1) Vegeta considers Trunks' blast at #18 and #17 a waste of energy, implying...
  17. ahill1

    Which gap is bigger?

    The one present #18 had on Vegeta SSJ (androids saga) or the one future #18 had on future Trunks SSJ (androids saga)?
  18. ahill1

    FPSSJ Goku (Cell Games) vs SSJ Gohan (Boo saga)

    Who wins?
  19. ahill1

    Why are people assuming Broly is Canon?

    It's really too early to suggest Toriyama now considers Broly as a Canon character based on a trailler where a different character lasts for seconds. Be aware that Toriyama stated he sees the movies as happening in "alternate Universes". So much so is obvious considering the movie wouldn't...
  20. ahill1

    AT's interview --- Goku's character

    There are two interviews from Toriyama pertaining Goku's character that I think it's interest to post. The 1st one was published in WIRED Japan in 1997, 1st edition. I read the interview in Portuguese, so I will try to translate it to English: This was reinforced after BoG's movie, when the...

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