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  1. ahill1

    Kamiccolo's boost

    I have always think it's 2x, but how about this? Chapter: 265 (DBZ 71), P3.4-5 Context: the Great Elder reads Kuririn’s mind and learns of God and Piccolo. Great Elder: “Hmf! He split in two, long ago…after evil entered into him! How foolish… He diminished by half the genius power with which...
  2. ahill1

    Zoro and Sanji (CP9 arc) vs Rob Lucci

    Could the duo working together defeat Lucci?
  3. ahill1

    Androids saga breakdown

    Vegeta SSJ (FP) >= Goku SSJ (FP) > Trunks SSJ >> Piccolo >> 20 (post absorptions) ~ Vegeta (post ki drained) >> 19 (post absorptions) > SSJ sick Goku > 20 (pre) ~ Goku SSJ (Mecha saga) > 19 (pre) > Vegeta (post BBA) ~ Trunks SSJ (Mecha saga). Agree or disagree? The most difficult think is...
  4. ahill1

    Kuririn (Beggining of Z) vs Goku (post Choshinsui)

    Who wins? This is Goku after the haxed water against Kuririn in the Raditz's arrival.
  5. ahill1

    Yamcha (22nd Budokai) vs Tao Pai Pai

    Who wins? :troll
  6. ahill1

    Gohan's "death" against Fat Boo

    When Gohan "died" fighting against Fat Boo, why were all of them sad about it if he could be revived by the Dragon Balls, even more when he never died and they just asked Shenlong to bring back all people that died in that day?
  7. ahill1

    Can Vegeta learn the Kaioken?

  8. ahill1

    Goku post Ginyu swap power level

    Where do you have him? At 3 millions?
  9. ahill1

    How strong was future Cell (from Trunks' timeline)

    How strong was he? That's the future Cell who was killed by future Trunks.
  10. ahill1

    Goku (post Karin) - Goku (pre Karin) ----how much stronger?

    I think there's a cool way of determining how much stronger Goku got by training with Karin. Just look at Uranai Saga Baba: Mummy was probably stronger than 21st Budokai Goku, given that Roshi said that Goku probably could not win. Placing Mummy at Goku (vs Blue) level seems accurate. Goku...
  11. ahill1

    How strong was Piccolo (post Gohan and Kuririn's power)?

    This was the Piccolo who "borrowed" Gohan and Kuririn powers in order to help Goku conclude the Genki-Dama. Going by the Daiz numbers, Piccolo would probably end up stronger than Vegeta lol.
  12. ahill1

    SSJB Kaioken x10 Goku vs Beers

    Who wins?
  13. ahill1

    Vegeta-Monster Zarbon - who was stronger?

    Who do you think was superior?
  14. ahill1

    Pure Evil Boo vs Pure Boo

    Who wins?
  15. ahill1

    According to Daizenshuu, Future Trunks SSJ >>> Mecha Freeza?

    Here's the quote from Daiz:
  16. ahill1

    Did Fat Boo power up before spliting into Grey and Mr. Boo?

    Before expeling Grey Boo, Fat Boo shot smoke out of his head. Was this a power up?
  17. ahill1

    How strong are Kuririn and Yamcha in the 23rd Budokai?

    I have them at young Piccolo's Daimao level.
  18. ahill1

    The gap between SSJ Vegeta (Androids saga) and #18

    How big do you have it? Now I have Vegeta at 75% of 18.
  19. ahill1

    Could Androids saga Piccolo handle Mecha saga Trunks and Goku?

    Could Piccolo handle them at the same time?
  20. ahill1

    Tao Pai Pai vs Chaozu (22nd Budokai)

    Who wins?

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