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  1. Warmmedown


    Anybody bothered?
  2. Warmmedown

    Luffy vs Kuma nowadays

    Do you reckon Luffy would be able to defeat Kuma? circumstances: Kuma fraped Sanji and dissed his eyebrow. Luffy is bloodlusted.
  3. Warmmedown

    Ivankov vs Boa Hancock

    Fighting in a field of roses and buttercups with Powerpuff Girls in the audience. Who wins :omg :ahshit ?
  4. Warmmedown

    Dante (Devil May Cry) vs Deadpool

    Arcade Mode did a pretty cool vidya of this. Based on a poll Deadpool won (guess having a recent movie maybe helped), although Weskur helped him. Who do you think would win?
  5. Warmmedown

    Bellamy in Strawhat

    So smexy Seriously though, where do you think Bellamy would fit into the crew as a fighter? Who is stronger than him and who not?
  6. Warmmedown

    Do you think Sabo will die?

    dumb question I know but say if he was alive like above (no spoils)
  7. Warmmedown

    Best or favourite anime fights. Top 10?

    1. Meruem vs Netero
  8. Warmmedown

    Boku wa Mari no Naka

    Get on that. Getting good.
  9. Warmmedown

    Will Franky build Pluton?

    I was thinking about how Pluton will fit into the story. I don't think it will be left unbuilt. If the marines or BB build it I'm not sure how it will be fought against. Maybe with CH and the mermaid princess or maybe somw other third ancient weapon but because fighting a ship would be weird and...
  10. Warmmedown

    What do you think Uranus is

    no Yeh do you think Uranus is CH? Or maybe it is the thing that gave rise to the Devil Fruits? Or something else? Personally I think it's to do with the DFs or after that CH but I wouldn't be surprised if it's something completely different either.
  11. Warmmedown

    Sanji and Zoro haki and thoughts on this theory I read

    Do yo think Zoro and Sanji have Conqueror's haki? Zoro had his thing against Mr 1 and the sword throwing incident. With Sanji a good theory I read suggested that Diable Jamble not burning Sanji could be due to conqueror's haki since Oda said he isnt burnt because his will is stronger (which...
  12. Warmmedown

    How to hide sections of the forum

    Quite a few foruns have a his basicakky if I just wanna view the anime/manga parts, this section and the manga section (the other one). ¿posible?
  13. Warmmedown

    Daredevil vs Batman

    1. No prep 2. Prep but no knowledge
  14. Warmmedown

    We should have a hidden section(s)

    Kinda weird having the picture topic public
  15. Warmmedown

    18++ nao

    the staple of every *forum which I won't name in this topic* offshoot I've been on you can tell Tosh and Sven want it
  16. Warmmedown

    You think Shiliew will surpass Mihawk?

    Well do ya do ya do ya wanna.... And will either Shiliew or Mihawk be Zoro's uktimate combat test? Or will he take on some non-swordsman? Someone out of the supernovas for example? A top captain, while Luffy takes out another. That'd be sick. Fuckin sick.
  17. Warmmedown


    Where he at? What a G. You think he's on par with current Sanji?
  18. Warmmedown

    Who would you like to see fight?

    Only out of people who have been onscreen and had some combat. For me it's Kuma. We never saw him serious against a strong enough opponent or strong enough opponents. Contenders could be Garp, Sengoku, Shanks, Blackbeard, Hancock and Dragon (was typing Luffy after Shanks instead of Dragon).
  19. Warmmedown

    Has Black Leg surpassed Red Leg?

    ^6 (
  20. Warmmedown

    Aokiji vs Human Torch

    Uce vs Hot