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  1. Warmmedown

    Natsu vs Spiderman

    How's it go?
  2. Warmmedown

    Piccolo (Buu Saga) vs ASSJ Vegeta (at Cell Games)

    Who wins?
  3. Warmmedown

    Piccolo (Buu Saga) vs Semi-Perfect Cell

    Piccolo vs 2FC
  4. Warmmedown

    Did WB overtake Roger?

    Did WB become stronger than Roger ever was? WB wasn't that old when Roger died. Was there any indication that he got even stronger after Roger's death?
  5. Warmmedown

    The future Yonkou

    Blackbeard took "WB's place" Luffy - Shanks (the goofy one with a perhaps small crew) Kid - Kaidou (the scary one) Big Mom - Law? Anybody? Only woman would be Bonnie but she's not that strong yet and doesn't seem like she will be. Only fat one with relevance is Blackbeard. Obviously there might...
  6. Warmmedown

    Do you think Dragon will be killed by BB?

    Do you think so? And then Luffy or Sabo will replace him in leading the fight to take out the WG and all that ancient weapon stuff?
  7. Warmmedown

    Is Gregory canon now?

    Is it tho
  8. Warmmedown


    Anyone watched this? Animation is weird.
  9. Warmmedown

    Big Mom vs Zoro

    No this isn't a stomp topic. We all know Zoro tools everyone. Basically I'm wondering about how strong Zoro is in the world. From what we've seen he is probably not as strong as Doflamingo, although in Zoro's case we haven't seen him struggle enough to really know what techniques he's...
  10. Warmmedown

    Who was WB's swordsman?

    Who was/were the swordsman/s of Whitrbeard's crew? How strong were they? edit: lol "swordsmans"
  11. Warmmedown

    Was Doflamingo admiral level?

    Was Donflamingo on the level of Kizaru or Fujitora? What about Aokiji or Akainu?
  12. Warmmedown

    How strong will Mihawk be?

    Most of the shichibukai seem like they can't f with Admirals much on their own, but Mihawk is the strongest swordsman, meaning he must be stronger than current Rayleigh who was about on par with Kizaru, so Mihawk is probably stronger than Kizaru in one on one fights (of course Kizaru's abilities...
  13. Warmmedown

    Favourite Pokemon game or anime music

    Games and anime only, no manga Links to audio or video if posible
  14. Warmmedown

    Brook vs Tashigi

    At Sabaody and post-skip
  15. Warmmedown

    Zoro and Sanji vs Luffy at Dressrosa

    With gear 4 and without. Sanji and Zoro working as a team.
  16. Warmmedown

    Sanji vs Jinbei

    Karate vs Capoeira (spelling?)
  17. Warmmedown

    SSJ Goten (pre-rosat) vs SSJ Vegeta (end of Cell Saga)

    Who would win this fight?
  18. Warmmedown

    Android 17, 18 and Piccolo vs 2FC

    Could they team up to defeat Cell? If not throw in Regular SSJ Future Trunks
  19. Warmmedown

    If you got a Metapod as a birthday present

    With a crushed evolite imbued into its body What would you do?
  20. Warmmedown

    Chopper and Franky vs Hody on land

    You think they would defeat his shown drugged form?