Super-Saiyan 2 tier or Super-Saiyan 3 tier?
I'd say he's at the highest Super-Saiyan 2 level? Maybe like an intermediary between the 2 transformations. He'd get owned by any Super-Saiyan 3 we see though.
I didn't write Super-Saiyan every-time, because that was too much but you know anyway.
Super-Saiyan Goku (Namek) - 1
Future Time-Line:
Freeza's Return:
3 Years later:
Vegetto from Saiyan Saga & Android Saga run gauntlets.
They run gauntlets of the entire series and wherever they stop they stop.
He can use whatever Goku and Vegeta are capable of at this time. (Maybe even Oozaru).
So in the Saiyan Saga he can use normal Kaio-Ken. Can pull-off Kaio-Ken x3...
Now I don't like to bring that evil upon people, but it's not like it hasn't been asked before anyway.
For me, I'd like the series goes-on for years and years. I know some people might not like that though.
I know they are already fighting the Yonkos now. Those are said to be the 4 strongest...
Do you?
AT obviously gave us numbers some-time ago, but that was before DragonBall Super even became a thing or FnF for that matter. A lot of stuff got retconed in DragonBall Super anyway, even things blatantly stated in the series itself, so do you just see it as another retcon and feel Bills'...
I know it was obviously promotional-tactic to make Toriko seem on the level of both series, but it just made the whole show seem 2nd rate (I don't know. Maybe it was.) and out-of-place next to the other 2 shows. When you look back in a few years, you might be thinking :wtf :wtf :wtf is Toriko...