Looking back the fight doesn't seem all that even at-all. The only thing Freeza does that seems to put him on almost completely even-ground with Goku is the KHH clash. Other than that, whilst Freeza did hold his own for some-time the fight seemed to definitely be in Goku's favour. Freeza's blows...
I see people keep saying this was gr9 and so hype, just like DragonBall. I didn't think it was that great. Was OK, but nowhere near the top power-up or hype scenes of DragonBall.
What do you think?
I didn't like the DragonBall Super sound-track, but with the new saga the sound-track is a lot better.
The music is gr9 at times I think. Sometimes it can be a bit cheesy but whatever.
Best music is the next episode preview music, much better than the first one, in my opinion (even-though the...
Gohan one-shotting the Cell Jr.s, if Gohan was already over 2x as high or close to that as Super-Saiyan couldn't he do that too?
Or were the Cell Jr.s holding-back and they were in-fact equal to Cell (vs Goku)?
Or did the one-shotting gap increase?
Initial Sick Goku who fought Android #19, before he started losing energy. His energy doesn't go down, though for the purpose of this thread.
Who wins?
Goku's regular power against Yakon?
I tell you why because multipliers aren't a thing. OK that's what I think, but why didn't he already realize Goku was superior to him since in equal forms Goku was > Vegeta?
Was Goku not going all-out? :idk :idk :idk
Kind-of similar to the thread DBZeta's version of the Comic-Book Guy did. Made this thread before on DBZF, but basically how would you have handled Super-Saiyan through-out the series?
What else I might do is:
Neither Goten nor Trunks get Super-Saiyan for...