When he had the 3000 kiri reading. Was him at full power? 50%? Above 50%? Or only at a small portion of his full power, like at 10% or less (based on the 50x SSJ multiplier)?
Chapter: 443 (DBZ 249), P9.1-3
Context: as Gohan prepares to fight Kibito
Gohan: “Man, this is a predicament. Bulma told me that if people found out my true power, there'd be a big commotion and it'd become hard for me to go to school anywhere. That's why I disguised myself, but...He doesn’t...
These points were made by Voice_of_Reason from neoseeker, showing Gohan was a SSJ2 against Dabra. How would you counter them?
Dabura is established to be at Cell's level of power:
Dabura's blast lands clean on Gohan, knocking him into the sea. Yet aside from his clothing being tattered, he...
According to the Herms translations, Vegeta said these Androids/Cyborgs don't give off any presence at all:
Chapter: 364 (DBZ 170), P10.1
Vegeta: “One of those guys with mysterious, absurdly large battle powers has vanished…But the other one remains…It’s not No.17 or the other androids. They...
When Piccolo Junior was introduced in the 23rd Budokai he didn't seem so tall:
Look at Piccolo compared to the competitors. He looks pretty small:
Look at him compared to the announcer:
Look at him several years later, during Mecha Freeza arrival:
He seems way more mature too...
While rereading the Freeza saga, I noted something.
Vegeta's response to why he is now ahead of Cui is because he went through continuously real battles, referring to more than just the Earth battle. This could imply the Earth battle wasn't the only one which put Vegeta ahead of Cui.
The format was inspired in an old Captain Cadaver's list, but the numbers are mine. Non-scouters, of course.
Son Goku Saga
Son Goku-40
Bear Bandit-25
Kame Sen'nin-120
Son Goku (Hungry)-35
Yamcha (Rogafufuken)-42
Son Goku (Hungrier)-33
Gyu Mao-70
Chi Chi-27...