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  1. Fantastische Hure

    Boo-Saga levels

    Thank-you @Kyo. I thought your levels looked the best, so I kind-of modelled it after your various lists (including multipliers), even-though I did change a few things to my liking. So credit to @Kyo, who I almost agree with anyway, so I just looked at how he did things.
  2. Fantastische Hure

    Vegeta (Saiyan Saga; enraged) vs 100% Freeza

    If he got the same boost as he did in Battle-of-Gods, could he win? Who wins?
  3. Fantastische Hure

    SSj-Grade-III Goku (RoSaT) vs Semi-Perfect Cell

    No speed problems for Goku, in-fact let him increase his speed along-side power. Goku was said to have surpassed Cell, but he only sensed Cell's initial-power. Who wins?
  4. Fantastische Hure

    I wonder whether...

    Trunks'll remember that when he left Goku was dead. :cage1 :cage1 :cage1
  5. Fantastische Hure

    Kyouks owns everyone that ever believed Goku easily defeated Freeza.

    This isn't even one percent of @Kyo's power. Amazing.
  6. Fantastische Hure

    Appule vs Piccolo (Saiyan Saga)

    Who wins? Not Lord-form, of-course. That'd be un-fair.
  7. Fantastische Hure

    SSj-Grade-II Goku (Cell-Games) vs SSj Goku (Boo Saga)

    I think Goku wins. :cage1 :cage1 :cage1 no, but rly :wat :wat :wat Who wins?
  8. Fantastische Hure

    Vegetto (Android Saga) vs SSj3 Goku (Boo Saga)

    Normal Vegetto Who wins?
  9. Fantastische Hure

    Goku (Beginning of DragonBall) vs Colonel Silver

    Who wins?
  10. Fantastische Hure

    Abo-Cado vs ImPerfect-Cell (post-Ginger-Town)

    Who wins?
  11. Fantastische Hure

    Kaio-Ken x20 Vegetto (Saiyan-Saga) vs 100% Freeza

    Remember Kibito-Shin and his worthlessness? Vegetto'd be even lower. Who wins?
  12. Fantastische Hure

    Goku was 3,000,000...

    only with Kaio-Ken x20. Freeza said he surpassed Captain-Ginyu, so Normal Goku is about 150,000 (compared to Captain-Ginyu's 120,000). You can thank me later.
  13. Fantastische Hure

    SSj Vegeta (post-RoSaT) vs Semi-Perfect Cell

    Who wins? I think Cell stomps.
  14. Fantastische Hure

    Universe-6 fighters???

    how do all of them compare to previous villains and heroes and stuff like is botamo on-par with initial bills??? or is he lower than ssj3 goku??? wot abt the others???
  15. Fantastische Hure

    Botamo vs Bills (Initial)

    When Bills beat everyone up, before enraged Vegeta made him power-up. Who wins?
  16. Fantastische Hure

    Do you think Mecha-Freeza is higher than SSj Goku on Namek?

    Or was he just over-confident? Even-though the way he said it doesn't really imply over-confidence.
  17. Fantastische Hure

    Was Freeza talking about Kaio-Ken when he said...

    that he could turn him to space-dust with approximately half of his power? Half of his power is obviously way above Normal Goku, so did he think that Goku was capable of power such-as that of a 10x Kaio-Ken? He wasn't surprised either when Goku was using the 10x Kaio-Ken.
  18. Fantastische Hure

    Goten being higher than Cell-Games Goku...

    I think he is. :cage1 :cage1 :cage1