If the other forms of Cell made Cell Jr.s how powerful?
I think post-Ginger-Town Cell Jr'd lose to Freeza Saga top-tiers easily. Maybe on-par with King Cold, but either Goku or Freeza can defeat them easily, possibly even one-shot. Anyone above them one-shots for sure, though.
Cell when we first see him vs Gohan who could hold his own against both Androids at the same time rather-well, until they used their OP Ultimate-Move.
Who wins?
Remembered this from an old thread. DragonBall Super included.
Also included non-canon characters.
Does this look about right? I'm not sure about Abo & Cado & their fusion.
Baby Broly might be on-par with Guldo amd Baby Goku'd be the weakest. :cry: :cry: :cry:
Considering in DragonBall Super, Super-Saiyan tier characters can get tired fighting Freeza soldiers nothing is impossible. I think he ran out of time though, before he could defeat all the evil Saiyans.
Who wins?
multipliers and power-boosts always got higher.
In the Saiyan Saga 2x was a big deal with the Kaio-Ken and 3x was very hard to do but still kind-of manageable. In the Freeza Saga Kaio-Ken x10 could be used some-what normally and 20x was a really big deal. Then Super-Saiyan happened and that was...
A different one. Changed a few things.
Freeza Fight:
Future Time-Line:
Freeza Fails Again:
3 years later:
A notification has been on for quite some time I go check now (since I just finished). :nice :nice :nice