Can he tank it? (Doubt it)
Can he survive it, if he were hit head-on?
Can he block it with his hands (and a possible Kiai) like Freeza did?
Can he kick it away (casually or not)?
wot??? :wat :wat :wat
Normal Vegetto
I personally think Vegetto could still be higher than Boo, just not to the extent he can make Boo frustrated enough to absorb him or mock him.
Who wins?
Psychic-powers set-off for General-Blue please.
I think Goku's in the same league as Kuririn here (a-bit higher), so General-Blue probably wins.
Who wins? :troll :troll :troll
I just saw someone on Kanzenshuu say this and then remembered the scene myself and was like "yeah, that's true", and it basically proves that Goku most definitely is above Kid-Boo.
Minute: 17
Context: Whis provides highly detailed expository dialogue.
Whis: "Those two have just barely reached...
Full-Power. When the Genki-Dama could defeat Oozaru Vegeta vs Captain-Ginyu
Can he tank?
Can he block it (if that's even possible)?
If so, can he block it with ease or hard?
Does he get damaged a bit?
Does he survive it barely?
What??? :wat :wat :wat
It's out-right said so by Piccolo-Daimao. :cage2 :cage2 :cage2
The only thing for a-lot of people, I think is that, that'd mean Goku is many times higher than Kuririn from the 22nd Tenkaichi-Budokai, too. Which they might think makes Kuririn too low compared to Goku and what the tournament...