how strong u think?
personally i think he has to be below goku from the 21st tournament despite of wot he did, bcoz master-roshi said he's just highest ordinary-level (human), where-as he said when training them for the 21st-tournament that he wanted them to surpass that level
Tenshinhan & Yamcha & Kuririn (& Chaozu, if you want) vs Piccolo
Who wins?
Personally, I think Piccolo wins easily, the only one who's even somewhat relevant to Piccolo is Tenshinhan and even he is behind by a-lot to say the least.
I think this is an important question that needs to be asked for the sake of the future of ahhhhhhrrr powaaaaah-levalz.
Could they?
Or do they need a Zarbon (level) on their team to win?
I personally think Zarbon has to be there, Dodorias got owned on his own.
Initial - Gohan thinks he can do something (to him), if he could gain access to his true-powers again (whatever you take it to mean). Vegeta thinks he's a joke.
Power-Up 1 (vs Dabura) - Goku thinks they (Goku & Vegeta & I assume Gohan) can definitely defeat Boo if they team-up. Gohan thinks...