Who wins?
I think Gohan is most likely higher, but maybe not enough that Vegeta can't possibly win without his skill (depending on the gap you have between #17 & #18).
there can only be 3 time-lines, right?!
I always heard 4 time-lines and it made sense to me, but now I thought about something and doesn't seem to make sense anymore.
Hey, I'm making a One-Piece thread. :cage1 :cage1 :cage1
You know the Q.
Who could defeat who?
Could Zoro defeat everyone of Luffy's boss-fights pre-Time-Skip or not? And what about the others?
I know that Ash almost always seemingly gets re-set for every new region, but sometimes he seems to carry-over some of what he's learned before or maybe his character just changed a bit for some reason.
Which Ash as far as skill goes would you say is the highest?
Diamond & Pearl?
In my child-hood Yu-Gi-Oh! was huge, but lost a lot of its popularity nowadays. So was Yu-Gi-Oh! just a fad at that time or an actual series that sustained momentum for a long while?