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  1. Fantastische Hure

    SSj Gogeta (Android-Saga) vs Super-Perfect Cell

    If Goku was healthy. Who wins?
  2. Fantastische Hure

    King Cold vs Kaio-Ken x20 Goku (KHH)

    Can he tank it? (Doubt it) Can he survive it, if he were hit head-on? Can he block it with his hands (and a possible Kiai) like Freeza did? Can he kick it away (casually or not)? wot??? :wat :wat :wat
  3. Fantastische Hure

    Freeza-Saga Fill-Out

    Genki-Dama - 100 70% Freeza - (King Cold -) 50% Freeza - Kaio-Ken x20 Goku (KHH) - Kaio-Ken x20 Goku - Kaio-Ken x10 Goku - Freeza (No Hands) - Goku - Freeza (Initial; powered-up) - Goku (warming-up) - Vegeta - Freeza (Initial) - 3rd Form Freeza -
  4. Fantastische Hure

    Which Gap is bigger?

    The gap between Normal Goku & Kaio-Ken x20 Goku from the Namek-Saga or the gap between SSj2 Gohan & Perfect-Cell? I say Gohan vs Cell is way too much.
  5. Fantastische Hure

    Vegetto vs Gohan-Boo

    Normal Vegetto I personally think Vegetto could still be higher than Boo, just not to the extent he can make Boo frustrated enough to absorb him or mock him. Who wins?
  6. Fantastische Hure

    Goku (Beginning of DragonBall; w/o Tail) vs Oorin-Temple-Senior

    :cage2 :cage2 :cage2 the person who fought kuririn who wins, in ur opinion??? :cage2 :cage2 :cage2
  7. Fantastische Hure

    Goku (w/o Tail; 21st Tenkaichi-Budokai) vs General-Blue

    Psychic-powers set-off for General-Blue please. I think Goku's in the same league as Kuririn here (a-bit higher), so General-Blue probably wins. Who wins? :troll :troll :troll
  8. Fantastische Hure

    21st Tenkaichi-Budokai Fill-Out

    (Android #8 -) (Mummy-kun -) (General-Blue -) Goku - 100 Master-Roshi - Nam - Goku (w/o Tail) - Kuririn - Giran - Yamcha - -- Roga-Fu-Fu-Ken -- Bacterian - (Gyu-Mao -) (Goku (Beginning of DragonBall) -) Holy Mother of Brackets. Sorry. :cage2 :cage2 :cage2 :cage1 :cage1 :cage1
  9. Fantastische Hure

    SSj-Blue Goku (Universe-6 Arc) vs Golden-Freeza

    Freeza was higher the last time. Who wins this time? No stamina-drain for Freeza.
  10. Fantastische Hure

    Normal Goku >>> Kid-Boo

    I just saw someone on Kanzenshuu say this and then remembered the scene myself and was like "yeah, that's true", and it basically proves that Goku most definitely is above Kid-Boo. Minute: 17 Context: Whis provides highly detailed expository dialogue. Whis: "Those two have just barely reached...
  11. Fantastische Hure

    Genki-Dama (Saiyan-Saga) vs Captain-Ginyu

    Full-Power. When the Genki-Dama could defeat Oozaru Vegeta vs Captain-Ginyu Can he tank? Can he block it (if that's even possible)? If so, can he block it with ease or hard? Does he get damaged a bit? Does he survive it barely? What??? :wat :wat :wat
  12. Fantastische Hure

    Is it true?

    yajirobe asked, "can he defeat piccolo-daimao" & goku answered "maybe" regarding karin i can't remember
  13. Fantastische Hure

    Do you believe Tambourine is many times higher than Cymbal?

    It's out-right said so by Piccolo-Daimao. :cage2 :cage2 :cage2 The only thing for a-lot of people, I think is that, that'd mean Goku is many times higher than Kuririn from the 22nd Tenkaichi-Budokai, too. Which they might think makes Kuririn too low compared to Goku and what the tournament...

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