Open this thread, so @Kyo could post the I think greatest power-list ever (Kid-Boo trolling at the end aside).
:cage2 :cage2 :cage2
thx t0sh :cage1 :cage1 :cage1
Haven't done this in a long time, but was kind-of interested.
SSj Gotenks (pre-RoSaT) -
SSj3 Goku - 100
Kid-Boo -
Majin-Boo -
SSj2 Gohan (post-Z-Sword) -
Gray-Boo -
Good-Boo -
From what I understand Bills' brother is weaker than him, so who wins here?
This is when Goku first fought Bills when he became a Super-Saiyan-God for the 1st-time.
Normally filler is just straight-up :trash :trash :trash . Since the companies don't seem to care and just want to keep the series on air until the manga has over-taken them again, but sometimes they can be good (because either the companies care to make good material or it's just catching...
He was seemingly able to keep-up with him, yet he put everything into his Makankosappo.
I know he wanted to win, but why not try first or wear him down?
some-wot new interview on db-super & the bad animation from episode 5 & also says something abt a possible new movie.
On the animation:
On a possible new movie:
Awwwwwwwwwwwww, when you saw this the first time?
So sad and emotional. He is still one of my fav.s from Ash's PokéMon of all-time. I felt so bad for him for the way Misty treated him. I wish Butterfree'd return.
This is kind-of a really bad thing they are doing. No matter how much in the wrong she ever is (at-least I think she is in the wrong quite a few times), somehow it's always InuYasha's fault and not hers and he is supposed to go apologize to her.
I think InuYasha is actually kind-of in the right...
Taking all the filler out, what did you think of it and how well it translated-over as an anime?
I think they did decently well. The animation was 8, the voice-actors were good & the music fit well (i thought, even-though it might not have aged that well).
Even-though one thing, they probably...
When he wants to be? He seems compotent sometimes, and just seems to jump to conclusions more than trying to find-out the real truth, if he didn't have that problem and would try to look more for evidence (like searching for it, like Conan does and instead of trying to justify anything and...
2 of the most dominating entities in WWE History, who would win in a match?
The Shield are at their highest of their run (whenever that was, I can't really tell).
If WWE were to book this without any shenanigans and a clean finish, who would win?