discuss plz :nice :nice :nice
tenshinhan called tao-pai-pai(-sama) invincible :troll :troll :troll
so maybe tenshinhan might be weaker than tao-pai-pai, too
Why is this so hard to figure-out? The numbers we are given seem too limited for Vegeta to be able to win so easily (maybe).
What if Vegeta was higher than 18,000? ^o) ^o) ^o)
When he meditated after getting beat-up by full-power Goku at the 22nd Tenkaichi-Budokai?
Statements imply that too.
or was that anime-only???
or wat was it???
History of Trunks
Time: 5m55s
Context: Roshi, Puar, and Oolong are listening to the cyborgs' destruction through a radio
Roshi: "If the Artificial Humans are not defeated, there can be no future! At this point, it's up to me to..."
Puar: "Muten Roshi, you mustn't!"
Oolong: "He's right! Piccolo...
Goku - 100
Piccolo Jr. -
Kami -
Shen -
Mr. Popo -
Tenshinhan -
Krillin -
Yamcha -
Tao-Pai-Pai (Cyborg) -
Goku (post-Super God Water) -
Piccolo Daimao (Young) -
Piccolo Daimao (Old) -
In the Daizenshuu, Raditz was called the lowest-level for a Saiyan. So 1,350 seems like a joke for Saiyans.
This was again stated in the SaibaMan description.
so 2
How high do you think the average level'd be?
For low-class, mid-class & elite?
1. Why does Grandpa Gohan say he never expected to be no match for Goku, when they were fighting kind-of evenly?
2. Did Goku's power go down again when his tail ripped? No-one said anything?